The Manica Post

Beware of covidiots, philandere­rs and broke money changers


WHAT is this we hear about that money changer who spent all his money like it was his last day on earth?

I mean this other street banker whose name is similar to that of a person who is hired to follow up on debtors.

All along, the spoiled brat was operating at that hard hat area in Mutare’s Central Business District, before he accrued so many debts due to his free spending traits.

Word reaching Yours Truly is that the boy is nowhere to be found after he duped many around town.

He has gone into hiding and Blabber is not only waiting for the day he will show up, but also searching for his whereabout­s for the benefit of those he owes varying amounts.

In fact, the only thing that might delay Blabber on this assignment is the Covid-19 pandemic.

Yours Truly is busy trying to knock some sense into the heads of the covidiots among us.

For those who did not know, there is a new term in our vocabulary — covidiots — which basically refers to people who shun healthy and safe lifestyles in the face of coronaviru­s.

The other group of covidiots are those shameless morons who circulate Covid-19 lies on social media.

Imagine someone claiming that he developed a running tummy after using a hand sanitiser.

Pure madness!

Yours Truly will certainly play his part in ensuring that we minimise the dangers posed by these social misfits.

But before Blabber signs out, it is only proper that we enlighten each other on the fate of that other misguided philandere­r who is tormenting a fellow senior apostolic church leader over a woman.

This is none other than the same nincompoop that Yours Truly was talking about in the previous edition of your favourite newspaper.

Blabber is reliably informed that the slow learner who runs a hardware shop downtown has since been chucked out of the church because of this issue and many other endless sexual shenanigan­s.

His mindless efforts of bribing some equally corrupt church leaders seem to be failing to yield desired results.

Could it be because they know that Blabber is watching?

Yours Truly is anxiously waiting to see his shop opening doors during Sabbath days since he is no longer part of the religious grouping.

Always remember to wash your hands and keep the social distancing dictates.

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