The Manica Post

Enjoy responsibl­y during festive season


Tfestive season — during which we celebrate the Christmas and New Year holidays — is upon us again, but this year’s commemorat­ions are with a very big difference owing to the Covid-19 pandemic.

As coronaviru­s continues to wreak havoc, with more than 75 million confirmed cases and nearly two million deaths across the world, these are definitely trying times for us.

The disease is surging in many regions and countries that had recorded apparent success in suppressin­g initial outbreaks are also seeing infections rising again.

Zimbabwe is not spared either as the country witnessed a spike in new infections over the past month, with 3 218 cases being recorded between November 16 and December 18.

The figures are continuing to rise and this will absolutely take away the cheer from Christmas.

For many of us, this time of the year usually entails finding joy in the planning and execution of various festivals and celebratio­ns that bring families and friends together to muse a year of hard working in various sectors of the economy.

With varying levels of lockdown restrictio­ns in place across the country and Government’s banning of parties and big gatherings, it is safe for everyone to accept that this year’s celebratio­ns will be very different from those of the years gone by.

For most people, the formal parts of religious festivals may change — with places of worship operating on different rules.

For others, the informal gatherings and family traditions that accompany times of festivity will be affected, but it is important that we hold onto the meaning of these celebratio­ns all the more if we cannot mark them in the way we might have in the past.

Coping with the disappoint­ment that we may not be able to observe an occasion in the usual way, particular­ly events which have special meaning, can be challengin­g, but that is how sad life can be.

Accepting the reality of our situation without holding on to the hope that maybe things will return to ‘normal’ in time, will certainly help.

We should all take heed of President Mnangagwa and the World Health Organisati­on’s warnings that we must not loosen our guard against Covid-19.

We cannot allow complacenc­y to creep into society and expose millions to the virus.

Those who will find time to meet under the recommende­d WHO and Ministry of Health and Child Care safety guidelines, we implore them to behave responsibl­y.

Covid-19 spreads through gatherings, and we are especially vulnerable during holidays, when we may be tempted to leave our usual hangout places to visit others.

We must resist this temptation, however, and instead stay safely at home this year.

Even though this holiday season will be different — and difficult for many — we can take comfort in the fact that the sacrifices we make now will protect us, our loved ones, and our communitie­s.

The goal is to make sure we will still all be around to celebrate the New Year together.

We should all strive not to be among the festive season causality statistics as there is always a tomorrow in everything that we do. We still have a lot to contribute to our families, society and the country’s wellbeing.

Let us all drive to arrive safely. Our roads should not be a hazard to users, but be safe to everyone.

The dare- devils and speed merchants should be prevented from driving. This will help clear our roads of any danger.

Law enforcemen­t agents and Vehicle Inspection Department officials should be out in full force to keep all would-be offenders at bay.

Bad apples among the law enforcers should desist from the complicity of allowing innocent souls to be put on the sacrificia­l altar by dangerous road users for a few pieces of silver because lives matter.

Despite the despair, we take this opportunit­y to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2021 as well as reminding each other of the importance of keeping up to date with the latest public health orders and recommenda­tions.

We should strive to religiousl­y follow them and not endanger others’ and our own lives.

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