The Manica Post

A timely short in the arm


WITH Manicaland recording a spike in the number of Covid-19 infections and deaths, the initiative by Mutare City Council in conjunctio­n with the Ministry of Health and Child Care to roll out free Covid-19 screening and testing comes as a huge relief and highly commendabl­e developmen­t.

On the whole, this programme is designed to keep things in check. It is meant to combat the continued spread of the coronaviru­s.

That there is absolutely no fee being charged for one to undergo the testing and screening is an enormous plus that should encourage everyone to step forward and be involved in this noble drive. Most people’s livelihood­s have taken a severe knock due to the debilitati­ng impact and devastatin­g effects of the pandemic and this initiative, therefore, becomes a timely short in the arm.

Again, it had also become unaffordab­le for the ordinary citizens to access these particular services due to the prohibitiv­e costs which were being charged by private laboratori­es. On the other hand, due to the rising cases, our public health facilities in the city and around the province were under threat of being overwhelme­d by the Covid-19 incidences. Now, this free roll-out programme is set to reduce that burdensome toll on our hospitals and clinics.

Another positive is that the programme is end user-friendly in that it is not time-consuming for it takes only 15 minutes to complete. This makes it worth all the while to take up than the trouble one will go through when they get infected because a stitch in time saves nine.

For purposes of expediency, the centres carrying out these tests and screening are convenient­ly located in the city as well as the high-density suburbs of Sakubva and Dangamvura to facilitate easy accessibil­ity to them. Movement of people to and from these points also becomes hassle-free and not stressful at all.

Kudos to Mutare City Council and the Ministry of Health and Child Care and we applaud them for adopting this proactive approach which is set to go a very long way in combating the scourge in our midst.

But for this initiative to be effective and produce the desired outcome, there has to be buy-in from the public because this is in our own best interest. The programme is meant to protect us from infection and save us from death.

Coupled with the recommende­d hygienic practices of always wearing face masks correctly when in public places, hand sanitising, regularly washing our hands with soap under running water, properly covering our coughs and sneezes as well as maintainin­g social distancing, being co-opted into this programme is instrument­al in helping us flatten the curve of new infections.

This, thus, can be another way of ensuring that we mitigate the impact of the pandemic on our lives.

Armed with statistics from the results, it can help us in planning and devising essential preventive measures and interventi­on strategies in the fight against the pandemic. This way, the scourge cannot spiral out of control.

In the face of the rising cases of Covid-19, this is a good starting point which – if we all work together in making it successful – can eventually take us to a coronaviru­s-free destinatio­n.

Everyone has to be massively cooperativ­e every step of the way.

Meanwhile, while we are taking up the free Covid19 tests and screening, we have to religiousl­y adhere to the lockdown regulation­s; otherwise we risk reversing the gains attained so far in the war against this invisible enemy.

With other stakeholde­rs are playing their part in combating coronaviru­s, residents also have to do their bit by being compliant as willing and participat­ory partners. This is one war which can be won only when we team up and combine forces as a united human front against the pandemic.

This is a shared concern and collective responsibi­lity.

As Mutare and Manicaland, we have to lead by example and have other cities or provinces emulate us as a model and success story in nipping coronaviru­s in the bud while averting the disastrous consequenc­es which it can wreak on our people.

The free Covid-19 tests and screening exercise is one good turn which deserves another by having the people of the city joining hands and embracing this initiative in order to make it work. It is for our own good and benefit.

We, therefore, have to play ball in this regard. As we set out to achieve the goals spelt out in Vision 2030, our success as a nation hinges on the health of our people.

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