The Manica Post

. . . shrine turns into rapist’s paradise

- Tanyaradzw­a Mujati Weekender Reporter

A white garment prophet was recently sentenced to 12 months in prison for caressing his client’s private parts and fondling her breasts during a ‘healing’ session.

He will, however, serve an effective six-months jail term after six months were suspended on condition of good behaviour.

Simbarashe Shereni (32) appeared before Mutare magistrate, Ms Prisca Manhibi, charged with indecent assault as defined in Section 67 (1) (a) (i) of the Criminal Law (Codificati­on and Reform) Act, Chapter 9:23.

Ms Mazvita Kadenha prosecuted. Shereni pleaded guilty.

Ms Kadenha said on November 9 and near Moffat (Moses Mvenge) Hall in Mutare, Shereni unlawfully caressed Christine Munyanyiwa’s (21) private parts and stomach. He also fondled her breasts.

“On November 9, the complainan­t went to Shereni’s shrine near Moffat Hall to seek spiritual assistance from him. Shereni ordered the complainan­t to fetch some firewood to heat some stones for steaming. He covered the complainan­t with a cloth and steamed her.

“After that, Shereni asked the complainan­t to kneel in front of him. He held the complainan­t’s skirt and panties and pulled them down. He caressed the complainan­t’s lower part of the stomach and her privates.

“The accused also fondled the complainan­t’s breast saying he was casting out the evil spirits in her stomach, breasts and private parts. This was done without her consent,” said Ms Kadenha.

“The spirit of God showed me that she had spells (zvitsinga) in her body that were blocking her life from fully progressin­g. I wanted to help her so that her life would be progressiv­e. I removed the spells from her breasts, although I didn’t touch them. I simply gave her instructio­ns on what to do. I then removed a furry and breathing thing from her private parts and threw it in the fire.

“I didn’t ask for payment as I am only a servant of God,” said Shereni.

He said when the complainan­t arrived at the shrine, there were two other clients. However, when he caressed her, the two were alone.

According to police data, one woman is sexually abused every 75 minutes in Zimbabwe, thereby translatin­g to 646 women on a monthly basis.

Gender Based Violence is a worldwide problem as the United Nations estimates that one in three women experience­s sexual or physical violence in their lifetime.

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