The Manica Post

‘He is too old to satisfy you in bed’

- Melody Vherenaisi Weekender Reporter

TRYING to use a protection order to dump his wife left an Odzi man disenchant­ed after the magistrate discovered his motive and turned down his applicatio­n.

Hamarton Munochivei Mvurumata recently appeared before the Mutare Civil Court applying for a protection order against his wife, Eunice Mutsvare, whom he said is in the habit of harassing him, disposing of his property and livestock, threatenin­g and insulting him.

He also said his wife does not listen to him, cook for him or wash his clothes.

“She doesn’t do anything and when I ask her to cook for me, she refuses. She also refuses to wash my clothes. I once raised this issue with her parents, but nothing was done to address it,” said Mvurumata.

He further said his wife is also in the habit of disposing their property and livestock without consulting him, taking advantage that he will be away from home most of the time.

“She sold two of my beasts while I was in Botswana where I am employed. She used the money to establish a shebeen where she is staying. She no longer comes home,” said Mvurumata.

He also said his wife was taking advantage of his advanced age to have extra marital affairs.

In response, Mutsvare dismissed Mvurumata’s submission­s, stating that he wanted to use the protection order to dump her.

She also dismissed the allegation­s that she is having extra marital affairs.

“She is labelling me a woman of loose morals after I told him that his brother forced himself on me thrice while he was away. He now wants to use that as an excuse to chase me away because he no longer loves me.

“We got married in 2019 and from there he has been staying in Botswana where he was working. He left me and our two children at our rural home in Odzi.

“His young brother was in charge. His brother asked me to sleep with him and I refused, arguing that I was not a woman for the whole clan. He continued pestering me, saying my husband was now old and could not satisfy me in bed. He forced himself on me thrice and I told my husband upon his return, but he did not do anything about it,” said Mutsvare.

She said every time her husband returns home from Botswana, he first visits his parents’ house where he stays for more than 12 days before coming home.

“When he eventually comes home, he destroys our property. The other time he destroyed the new locks that I had put on the doors and went back to his parents’ house.

“The issue was once heard at our local community court and Mvurumata was advised to follow the proper divorce channels if he no longer loves me. He did not do anything,” said Mutsvare.

Presiding magistrate, Ms Purity Gumbo said she could not grant the protection order in Mvurumata’s favour as there are still unresolved issues under the customary law.

“I advise you to come together as a family and settle these issues and then come back for a protection order applicatio­n,” ruled Ms Gumbo.

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