The Manica Post

Family fined for cave burial

- Lovemore Kadzura Rusape Correspond­ent

A MAKONI family is in hot soup after burying its patriach in a cave, going against the norms and values of the Maungwe people.

Under Chief Makoni’s area, only people with royal blood are buried in mountains and caves. Homestead burials are also not permitted.

Despite this, the Mutsikira family of Chikunguru Village last year secretly buried their departed relative in a mountain and only informed Headman Chikunguru after the burial.

Headman Lazarus Mutwira of Mutwira Village last week reported the Mutsikira family to Chief Makoni’s court.

“The Mutsikira family buried their father in a cave in a local mountain. I confronted them and they claimed that they got permission from Headman Chikunguru. The Mutsikiras are not part of the Makoni royal family,” said Headman Mutwira.

Appearing on behalf of the family, Joseph Mutsikira said they buried their patriach in the mountain as it was his death wish.

“When our father was still alive, he told us that we should bury him in a cave. We were simply fulfilling his wish as a family and we did not see anything wrong with that. We informed Headman Chikunguru about this,” explained Mutsikira.

However, Headman Chikunguru denied granting the Mutsikiras permission to conduct the mountain burial and said they only approached him after the burial.

The court fined the Mutsikiras one beast, a goat and a cock for the offence.

“We have our beliefs, norms and values that are sacred. In this area, commoners are buried at the community graveyard. Homestead burials are also not permitted. Mountain burials are preserved for people of the royal blood and permission should be granted by the chief.

“What the Mutsikaras did is a taboo. You defiled our scared mountains and a deterrent fine should be imposed on you,” said Chief Makoni.

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