The Manica Post

Businessma­n infects wife with STI

- Tendai Gukutikwa Weekender Reporter

AMAKONI woman is suing a local entreprene­ur and husband of two years for allegedly infecting her with a sexually transmitte­d infection.

Naume Mutemachan­i said she was diagnosed with gonorrhoea following her husband, Luckmore Chindomu’s promiscuit­y which is an open secret in their neighbourh­ood.

Mutemachan­i said her husband was unfaithful and had sexual relations with multiple women, resulting in him contractin­g the disease and infecting her with it.

She said being diagnosed with the disease, and her husband’s reluctance to seek medical treatment caused the breakdown of their two-year marriage.

The couple appeared before Chief Makoni’s com- munity court recently.

Chief Makoni hauled Chindomu over the coals for his open-zip policy.

“We loved each other until the death of my premature baby. It appeared as if he was punishing me for the death of our child, but it was not my fault. My baby ended up dying because he would not allow me to follow instructio­ns we were given by medical profession­als on how to take care of our child.

“After my child’s death, we tried to conceive, but failed. Because of that, he lost interest in me. He would sleep outside and come home in the morning. He has four shops, but he is equally popular for his promiscuit­y. I used to warn him that his behaviour would bring sorrows, but this fell on deaf ears. I ended up telling his parents about his changed behaviour and they tried to knock some sense in his head, but in vain,” she said.

Mutemachan­i said Chindomu’s parents had on three occasions followed him to his endless love nests and dragged him back home.

“I was bedridden for two months. I told him that I should seek medical assistance, but he just ignored me. I found some lurid love messages in his phone and confronted him. He never showed

My baby ended up dying because he would not allow me to follow instructio­ns we were given by medical profession­als on how to take care of our child.

any remorse. My brother came and took me to the hospital. I was diagnosed with gonorrhoea,” said the woman.

She said after telling her husband that she had been diagnosed with the STI, he went ballistic, and accused her of having contracted the infection from someone else.

Mutemachan­i said thereafter, Chindomu brought in a new wife home and sent her packing, despite her ill-health.

“He infected me with this disease and sent me packing with nothing even though we had acquired a lot of wealth together. I decided to drag him to this court because I also want a share of the property that we acquired together,” she said.

Mutemachan­i listed three shops, a grinding mill, a farm, a solar pump, two tonnes of maize and various other electrical gadgets as part of the property they acquired together.

However, Chindomu remained adamant, stating that Mutemachan­i was still his wife.

“I never gave her a divorce token. She abruptly left because she could not stomach my bringing in another wife. If I am lying, she should produce the divorce token that I gave her. However, even if I had given her a divorce token, I had my businesses before I married her. How then can she stand in this court claiming what I already had before we met? This is not fair,” said Chindomu.

Chief Makoni said he could not proceed with the matter before the two formally divorce.

“A divorce token should be issued before we preside over the issue of sharing of property. If there is no divorce token, we cannot proceed with this matter because we have had cases of estranged couples reconcilin­g after having used us to share their property,”said Chief Makoni.

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