The Manica Post

Exercises for a full-body workout at home

- Directions: Directions: Directions: Step-ups Directions: Directions:

“LIFT heavy” seems like the answer to everything nowadays, right?

While weightlift­ing is beneficial for lots of reasons especially for women it’s not required to build strength and sculpt your body. For many people, getting a workout on with your own body weight is enough.

Whether you work out at home or want to give the dumbbells a rest, we’ve put together a list of 13 body-burning moves that require no weights.

To see strength success, practice your routine two to three times per week. Keep reading to learn how many sets and reps each move needs. And don’t be fooled by the lack of equipment. This mix of cardio, plyometric­s, and bodyweight exercises will still work you hard.

The warm up

Warm up before you start. Five minutes of brisk walking or jogging will do the job. Stretch or foam roll afterward to minimize soreness.

Rotational jacks

A twist on a jumping jack, rotational jacks are a good way to kick off a workout. They’ll get your heart rate up and muscles warm.

◆ Start in a wide stance with soft knees. Your arms should be extended straight out at your sides so they’re parallel to the ground.

◆ Keeping your arms straight and head and neck stationary, hinge forward at the hips and rotate your torso so your right hand touches the ground. ◆ Return to the starting position and

jump your feet together. ◆ Immediatel­y jump your feet back out, hinge forward again, and rotate to the left, touching your hand to the ground. ◆ Return to start. Jump your feet

together and twist again to the right. ◆ Complete 12–15 reps for 3 sets.

Plank reach-unders

Planks are a basic (but not easy!) exercise that provide full-body benefits. Adding the reach-under targets your core even more.

◆ Assume a high plank position on your


Ensure your core is braced and your lower back doesn’t sag. Your neck and spine should be neutral.

◆ Lift your right hand off the ground and back toward your left thigh, tapping it with your fingers. Return to a plank. ◆ Repeat with your left hand, tapping your right thigh and returning to a plank.

◆ Complete 3 sets of 20 total taps. Step-ups will burn your lower half. Plus, they’re great for working on balance and stability, too.

◆ Start standing in front of a knee-height

bench, or step with your feet together. ◆ Step onto the bench with your right foot, pushing through your heel and driving your left knee up.

◆ Lower your left leg down, stepping

backward off the bench.

◆ Complete 10–15 reps with your right leg, then switch and complete 10–15 reps, leading with your left leg. ◆ Complete 3 sets.

Mountain climbers

No need for weights when you can do a few sets of mountain climbers. Supporting your own body weight in combinatio­n with the knee drive will have your muscles, and lungs, on fire.

◆ Assume a high plank position with

your arms extended.

◆ Engaging your core and keeping your spine and neck neutral, drive your right knee up toward your chest. Extend it and immediatel­y drive your left knee up toward your chest.

◆ Repeat for 30 seconds, going as fast as

you can while maintainin­g good form. ◆ Complete 3 total sets.

Squat jumps

Plyometric­s are exercises that require your muscles to exert a lot of force in a short period of time. Squat jumps are a prime example. You’ll get a lot of bang for your buck with just a few sets of these. Warning: They’re high-impact, so if your joints are sensitive, proceed with caution. ◆ Lower into a squat position with your arms bent and hands together out in front of you.

◆ Explode up into a jump, pushing through and landing back on the balls of your feet.

◆ When you reach the ground again,

squat down and repeat.

◆ Complete 3 sets of 10–12 reps. —

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