The Manica Post

Well done Penhalonga mineshaft rescue teams

- Mai Maka

We give glory and praise to the Lord that the 15 artisanal miners who spent four days undergroun­d were rescued alive and safe after a mineshaft that collapsed in Penhalonga. Those who were involved in the search and rescue operation must be applauded for a job well done. However, miners need to put their safety and security first before engaging in any risky activities. The investigat­ions into the incident being carried out by Government must help to provide models for good and safe practices that prevent accidents in mining areas. – David Tsvande

Thumps up The Manica Post

Thank you very much The Manica Post for bringing home news to us while we are many miles away. You are doing a sterling job. Please, cast your coverage wider and inform us about the progress being made in all the districts of Manicaland relating to progress in attaining the Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals. We also need to hear more on National Developmen­t Strategy (NDS1), accomplish­ments towards Vision 2030, mega projects being implemente­d in Manicaland and many more. l see you are running articles on drug abuse, child marriages which are rampant in Bocha, Gender-Based Violence and many other social ills, keep it up. We are in the farming season and you can also take us to those macadamia and tobacco farmers that are doing well. Samanyika

Sakubva Stadium renovation­s encouragin­g

The work being done in refurbishi­ng Sakubva Stadium is encour- aging. If they can, Mutare City Council must partner other players in giving the facility a major facelift so that it can meet the required standards. We cannot afford to have a situation that forces football teams from Mutare to play their home matches at other venues outside the city as Manica Diamonds did last season. The good work the local authority did on the perimeter wall should be replicated on the turf, terraces and other areas of the stadium. Gwinyai Shoko **********

Let’s not go to extremes in disciplini­ng children

While the need to discipline our children is not denied, as parents and guardians we must not go to the extremes of causing harm to the young ones and injure them in the process or even cause their death. If not properly handled, the way we correct our children from wrongdoing may turn out to be abuse. Love shouldn’t hate. However, our children must not be spared the rod when they go wayward. –

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