The Manica Post

Getting your fitness back after festive season

- Economicti­ www.

THE festive season is a great time to relax and enjoy time with family, friends, and of course, food, but it can also be a time when your fitness routine goes out the window.

Christmas is the most exciting festival of lights, celebratio­ns, and enjoyment but one problem is the abundant food and drinks.

For many people, it can be difficult to stick to their fitness routine after all the festival cheer.

However, it is important to get back on your fitness routine as soon as possible to maintain your health and well-being.

Here are a few tips to help you get back on track:

Start small

If you have been inactive for a while, don’t try to go back to your old routine right away. Start with a few basic exercises and work your way up. This will help reduce the activity again.

Set realistic goals

Don’t strive to become a fitness fanatic overnight. Set realistic goals that you can easily achieve and gradually increase the difficulty over time.

Find a fitness buddy

Working out with a friend can make the process more enjoyable and help keep you accountabl­e.

Make time for fitness

Don’t let other activities take priority over your fitness routine. Schedule time in your day, specifical­ly for working out and stick to it.


Don’t give up if you hit a snag along the way. Persevere and you will eventually reach your fitness goals.

Find your motivation

You can’t actually get fit if you don’t have a “genuine” purpose to do so. Motivation comes from within.

Even if you have been planning to go to the gym for weeks after the holidays, you must find inspiratio­n to remain regular and dedicated.

Most people are motivated to exercise because it will improve their appearance or because they want to do it for someone else. This can only help you stay motivated till you reach your objective.

For the sake of your mental or physical health, you should therefore return to a fitness routine. No matter how long it has been since your last workout, this will motivate you to never skip one again.

Observe your body

Knowing and respecting your body’s boundaries is essential for success in fitness as always. Pay close attention to how your body reacts to exercise when trying to get in shape.

Before continuing to exercise if you have strains, sprains, or even a stress fracture, get checked out by a doctor. An injury that is not properly managed or assessed may worsen, take longer to heal and cause issues in the future.

There are countless additional suggestion­s, but these tips are a great way to give a start.

Try these and be successful. After the festival season, it can be a little challengin­g for everyone to get back into a healthy routine because of the chaos in their schedules. But you must take care of your body in the same way and develop a clear timetable to exercise, just like you would for your business meetings. -

 ?? ?? Pay close attention to how your body reacts to exercise when trying to get in shape
Pay close attention to how your body reacts to exercise when trying to get in shape

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