The Manica Post

Healthy habits for your natural hair

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HAIR health is a goal for all of us, but making strides to better hair health can seem quite daunting. Thankfully, maintainin­g healthy hair is all about creating a solid foundation of healthy habits. And in most cases, these healthy habits are quite easy to adopt. We rounded up these healthy hair tips and habits that will help your natural hair be, feel and look healthier and stronger in no time.

Don’t overestima­te the basics

Proper hair care doesn’t have to be challengin­g. Remember to stick to the basics. Don’t skip shampooing and conditioni­ng, take your vitamins and be gentle with your strands. Simple steps like this are the foundation of a healthy haircare and styling routine and shouldn’t be overlooked.

Stick to sulfate-free shampoos

While there is a time and a place for a clarifying shampoo, sticking to sulfate-free shampoo options are ideal for natural hair. Sulfates can be harsh and drying and since curly hair is naturally drier, sticking to gentle and hydrating cleansing formulas is best.

Make hair masks

When your curls need a little TLC, look no further. Deep treatments and hair masks help to repair, rejuvenate and refresh tired curls so you can get a fresh start.

Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise

It’s no secret that curly hair needs, and we repeat needs, moisture. Finding ways to keep moisture levels balanced in your hair will only lead to better hair health in the long run. Think of it as layering and be sure that every product from start to finish is full of hydrating ingredient­s.

Don’t forget scalp care

Just like we take care of the skin on our faces,

we should do the same for our scalp. And no, you don’t need a 5-step daily regimen to keep your scalp healthy, but don’t leave it to thrive on its own either. To help remove product build-up and promote healthy hair growth, consider a scalp massage with a moisturisi­ng oil.

Eat a balanced diet

Healthy hair doesn’t start with stellar hair care products, it starts from within. Eating a balanced diet that is filled with healthy fruits, vegetables, carbohydra­tes and protein only works in your favour when it comes to hair health.

Drink plenty of water

Just like a proper diet is necessary, so is consuming enough water. If your body is dehydrated, it can’t operate at its best, the scalp and hair follicles included. Drink lots of water and reach for water-rich foods like fruits and vegetables, too.

Sleep wisely

You can spend hours taking care of your hair during the day, but if it’s not protected at night, all that hard work goes out the window. When it comes to snoozing, reach for a silk or satin pillowcase or bonnet. And avoid sleeping with your hair out and down. Instead, try a pineapple or loose top knot or braid. For extra moisture, apply a dime sized amount of the hair oil from mid-shaft to ends come morning.

Skip heat styling

It’s no surprise that too much heat styling can wreak havoc on your strands. If possible, avoid it altogether and try styling without heat. But if you want to use hot tools, use them sparingly.

Make trims a priority

Every hair pro will say that trims are essential for hair health. In most cases, you’ll want to get your hair trimmed every 6-8 weeks. When routine trims are kept up, dead ends are kept at bay.

Detangle gently

In general, it’s not best to detangle your hair when you’re in a rush or tired. Detangling curly hair can be, well, frustratin­g, but it is important to take your time and be gentle. Rushed and improper detangling can lead to snapped ends, breakage and frizz. Start from the ends and work your way up slowly and gently. If you need help with detangling, apply a hair detangler from root to tip before you begin.

Choose protective styles

Wash and gos are easy and super cute, but opting for protective styling from time to time is a good habit to adopt.

Protective styles help to give your strands a break from manipulati­on and help to maintain healthy hair growth. If possible, choose a protective style once or twice a month to give your strands a little break. -

 ?? ?? Maintainin­g healthy hair is all about creating a solid foundation of healthy habits
Maintainin­g healthy hair is all about creating a solid foundation of healthy habits

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