The Manica Post

Govt rolls out food aid programme

- Ray Bande Senior Reporter

GOVERNMENT is rolling out a food aid programme in Manicaland as people in some parts of the province are currently food insecure.

Areas such as Chipinge South, Nyanga North and Buhera District are incessantl­y affected by acute food shortages due to their semi-arid nature.

As Government moves with speed to cushion those affected, distributi­on of grain has already started with the dispatchin­g of the commodity to Grain Marketing Board depots across the province.

Distributi­on to those in need of food aid will soon commence.

This was revealed during an interactiv­e session between Minister of State for Manicaland Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Advocate Misheck Mugadza’s and various stakeholde­rs at Checheche Primary School in Chipinge on Tuesday.

In his contributi­on during the meeting, Chipinge South Constituen­cy former Member of National Assembly, Cde Enock Porusingaz­i said some families in the area are now surviving on one meal a day as food insecurity creeps in.

“Minister Mugadza, we really appreciate your visit to this constituen­cy in particular, and the district at large. To us, it is a timely visit, given the events unfolding on the ground. We want to bring to your attention the fact that some families in this area are now surviving on one meal per day due to food shortages. We are strongly appealing to you to facilitate food aid as a matter of urgency because the situation is dire,” said Cde Porusingaz­i.

As other stakeholde­rs chipped in, speaker after speaker reiterated the dire need for food aid.

In his response, Minister Mugadza said President Mnangagwa is on record saying no one will starve, adding that Government will live up to its word.

“President Mnangagwa has assured the nation that no one will starve and this is true. Government will surely live up to what the President declared. In fact, the grain is there. There are people in real need and so we surely cannot afford to waste, hence the need for water tight distributi­on modalities and timeous distributi­on.

“The grain has been distribute­d to various GMB boards across Manicaland Province, and what only remains as of now is the actual distributi­on to the people.

“Distributi­on will be commencing very soon. We also took time to map out the distributi­on modalities because we want the worst affected areas to benefit first.

“Middle Sabi Grain Marketing Depot received the highest tonnage of grain compared to other depots in Manicaland because we are aware of the dire need of food in the area,” said Minister Mugadza.

President Mnangagwa recently assured the nation that no one will die of hunger as Government has enough grain reserves to assist the needy.

The President implored Government structures and traditiona­l leaders to identify everyone in need of food aid so that resources can be channelled to them.

Government will also be distributi­ng food aid to the vulnerable and food insecure households in urban areas as it broadens its social safety nets.

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