The Manica Post

Top achiever’s secret to success


- Blessing Mtunyani

THEY say life is a journey.

Indeed, it is a journey with markings to reveal one’s successes as they go towards their destinatio­n.

My name is Blessing Mtunyani, but some call me Professor.

They ask me: “How does it feel to be a First Class Academy Alumni” and I answer: “It is God’s will”.

I started my high school at First Class Academy in Sakubva until I wrote my Ordinary Level exams and I scored 10 As. I decided to further my studies and passed my A-Level with 5As (25 points).

Studying and learning can be tiresome, but if done passionate­ly, it is rewarding.

In my A-Level journey, I learnt that responsibi­lities can never be a stumbling block to one’s success.

I was First Class Academy’s school captain as well as Scripture Union president. Additional­ly, I was the school junior pastor and peer educator.

However, October and November 2023 were the most frightenin­g months, but I got encouragem­ent from the Bible in 2 Timothy 1 vs 7 that cowardice is not the way to go.

“It was a daunting task to sit for examinatio­ns from two different boards , that is ZIMSEC and Cambridge, at the same time doing five and three subjects respective­ly.

Above that, these were all sciences and all in all about 30 papers. Unfortunat­ely, life doesn’t always go our way as planned.

Amidst writing my examinatio­ns, I was involved in a severe accident that affected my limbs and I was unable to walk until I finished writing my examinatio­ns.

This was the most difficult chapter and a rough patch in my life, a time of agony and mental torture. I could have given up, but thanks to my family, the Chinyowas, the Mtunyanis and the Mumbamarwo­s, Sakubva South Seventh Day Adventist Church, my relatives, the First Class Academy family and the Scripture Union family, but above all God who kept me fuelled up, I managed to make it.

In such times, my principal, Mr Stephen Mutsongodz­a, said a statement that I won’t forgot in my life,

Said Mr Mutsongodz­a: “We left home to change home, don’t forget the goal and remember God is in control.”

So how then can you get those high grades?

Getting high grades in different subjects requires different strategies and skills, but there are some general tips that can help you improve your academic performanc­e. Here are some of them:

Pray before you study

Study regularly and effectivel­y. Review your notes and materials after each class, and don’t wait until the last minute to study for exams.

Homework and assignment­s are not only a way to practice and reinforce what you have learnt, but also a way to show your understand­ing and progress to your teacher. Follow the instructio­ns carefully and check your work for errors.

Do your homework and assignment­s Participat­e in class and ask for feedback

Being active and engaged in class can help you learn better and remember more. Raise your hand to ask and answer questions, contribute to discussion­s, and share your opinions and ideas.

Find your motivation and set your goals

To get high grades, you need to have a clear reason and purpose for why you are studying. Think about what interests you, what inspires you, and what you want to achieve. Set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) goals for yourself, and track your progress and achievemen­ts.

Challenges you may encounter

The course you are taking is not easy. It requires hard work, dedication and perseveran­ce. You may face many challenges along the way, such as:

Difficult concepts and assignment­s that test your understand­ing and skills.

Tight deadlines and heavy workload that demand your time and energy.

Competitiv­e peers and high expectatio­ns that pressure you to perform well.

Personal issues and distractio­ns that affect your focus and motivation.

These challenges can make you feel stressed, frustrated, or overwhelme­d. You may even doubt your abilities and wonder if you can succeed in the course. But don’t give up. You have what it takes to overcome these challenges and achieve your goals.

Here are some tips to help you: Seek help when you need it

You are not alone in this journey. You have your tutors, classmates, and friends who can support you.

Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you are stuck or confused.

Manage your time and tasks effectivel­y. Plan ahead and prioritise your tasks. Break down large assignment­s into smaller and manageable steps. Set realistic and achievable goals and deadlines. Use a calendar, a planner, or a to-do list to keep track of your progress and reminders. Avoid procrastin­ation and distractio­ns. Reward yourself for completing your tasks. Improve your skills and strategies. Review your feedback and learn from your mistakes. Identify your strengths and weaknesses and work on improving them. Practice your skills and apply your knowledge. Try different learning styles and methods. Find what works best for you and stick to it.

Maintain a positive attitude and mindset

Believe in yourself and your potential. Remind yourself of your reasons and motivation­s for taking the course. Celebrate your achievemen­ts and appreciate your efforts. Acknowledg­e your challenges and difficulti­es, but don’t let them define you. Instead, use them as opportunit­ies to grow and improve. Keep a growth mindset and embrace challenges as part of the learning process.

Take care of yourself

Don’t neglect your physical, mental, and emotional health. Eat well, sleep well, and exercise regularly. Find a balance between your studies and your personal life. Make time for yourself and your hobbies. Relax and have fun.

The course you are taking is not easy, but it is not impossible either. You have the power and the potential to overcome the challenges and succeed in the course. You just need to be prepared, persistent, and positive. Remember, you are not alone. You can do this.

In conclusion, I would like to thank God for making me succeed in my exams with 25 points, that is 5As in Mathematic­s, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science and Statistics.

I believe that God has a plan for me and that He has blessed me with the knowledge and skills to achieve my goals. I am grateful for His guidance and protection throughout my academic journey.

I also want to thank my family, friends, teachers, and mentors for their support and encouragem­ent. They have been a source of inspiratio­n and motivation for me.

I hope that my success will inspire others to follow suit and pursue their dreams with faith and diligence. I know that God has a purpose for each one of us and that He will reward our efforts with His grace and mercy. I encourage everyone to trust in God and work hard to fulfil their potential. Nothing is impossible with God. He is the source of all wisdom and power. To Him be the glory and honour forever. Amen.

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