The Manica Post

He is surely a product of protest votes


Jbecause you do not take an interest in politics does not mean politics will not take an interest in you, political think tanks have long told us.

After all, one of the penalties for refusing to participat­e in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.

Ladies and gentlemen, this political truism is unfolding right before us.

There is this city father (councillor) who is taking women more than he is taking concerns being raised by the electorate who voted him into office.

Who knows, perhaps the proclivity of taking more is in his first name?

Even going by his surname, he has become so big-headed that one would equate his head to that of an elephant.

Yours Truly wonders why on earth he has become a bed hopper, given that he has a truly beautiful wife.

Young as he looks, he has a child from a failed marriage who is already married.

Blabber thought he would love his current wife as an exemplary community leader and help her find lasting solutions to her ailment. Alas, the bozo, a former kombi driver, seems to be following up on all beautiful female passengers he used to ferry but could not get their attention back then.

If he really cannot take good care and love his wife, how on earth will he take good care of his vast ward? Blabber condemns his open zip, shut mind approach to sexual matters and Yours Truly is praying long and hard that at the end of his doomed tenure he will not be living in rented property. Surely, fortune knocks once at a man’s door and Blabber hopes that he will soon have a property of his own.

Yours Truly will not be happy to see him going the same route this other former city father went. However, what is more important to Blabber is for this guy to take good care of his wife.

l rest my case for now.

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