The Manica Post

How gravity keeps us on Earth

- Friday Lessons with Uncle Jay your body. Einstein’s gravity­

GRAVITY is a force that we experience every day, yet it remains somewhat of a mystery.

It’s the reason we stay grounded on Earth and why objects fall when dropped. Although there are several theories attempting to explain gravity, scientists still don’t completely understand it.

In this article, we will answer the question, “What is gravity?” by exploring Newton’s and Einstein’s theories of gravity, discussing more recent views and touching on the role of gravity in our solar system and everyday life.

Newton’s gravity

In the 1600s, an English physicist and mathematic­ian named Isaac Newton was sitting under an apple tree — or so the legend tells us. Apparently, an apple fell on his head, and he started wondering why the apple was attracted to the ground in the first place.

Newton publicised his Theory of Universal Gravitatio­n in the 1680s. It basically set forth the idea that gravity is a predictabl­e force that acts on all matter in the universe, and is a function of both mass and distance.

The theory states that each particle of matter attracts every other particle (for instance, the particles of “Earth” and the particles of “you”) with a force that is directly proportion­al to the product of their masses and inversely proportion­al to the square of the distance between them.

So the farther apart the particles are, and/or the less massive the particles, the less the gravitatio­nal force.

When you deal with massive bodies like the Earth which has a huge mass, it adds up to a rather powerful gravitatio­nal force.

That’s why you’re not floating around in space right now.

The force of gravity acting on an object is also that object’s weight.

When you step on a scale, the scale reads how much gravity is acting on

Albert Einstein, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921, contribute­d an alternate theory of gravity in the early 1900s.

It was part of his famous General Theory of Relativity, and it offered a very different explanatio­n from Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitatio­n.

Einstein didn’t believe gravity was a force at all; he said it was a distortion in the shape of space-time, otherwise known as “the fourth dimension”.

Basic physics states that if there are no external forces at work, an object will always travel in the straightes­t possible line.

Accordingl­y, without an external force, two objects traveling along parallel paths will always remain parallel. They will never meet.

But the fact is, they do meet. Particles that start off on parallel paths sometimes end up colliding.

Newton’s theory says this can occur because of gravity, a force attracting those objects to one another or to a single, third object.

Einstein also says this occurs due to gravity — but in his theory, gravity is not a force. It’s a curve in space-time.

According to Einstein, those objects are still traveling along the straightes­t possible line, but due to a distortion in space-time, the straightes­t possible line is now along a spherical path. So two objects that were moving along a flat plane are now moving along a spherical plane.

And two straight paths along that sphere end in a single point.

Gravity in our solar system

Gravity plays a crucial role in the formation and stability of our solar system. It assisted in forming the universe, keeps the moon in orbit around the Earth, and prevents Earth from hurtling into the sun.

The gravitatio­nal pull of the sun keeps all the planets in their orbits, and the gravitatio­nal attraction between planets and their moons keeps the moons in orbit.

Gravity varies across surface Earth’s

The force of gravity is not the same everywhere on Earth. It is slightly weaker at the equator due to the centrifuga­l force caused by Earth’s rotation and the fact that the Earth is not a perfect sphere but an oblate spheroid.

Gravity is stronger at the poles and weaker at higher altitudes. This variation is why your weight can change slightly if you travel from one location to another on Earth’s surface.

Gravity and black holes

A black hole is a region of space where the gravitatio­nal pull is so strong that not even light can escape from it.

The point of no return around a black hole is known as the event horizon.

Once an object crosses this boundary, it is inevitably pulled into the black hole. The centre of a black hole, where all of its mass is concentrat­ed, is called the singularit­y.

Gravity and everyday objects

The gravitatio­nal attraction between everyday objects, like a book and a pen, is incredibly weak because their masses are so small.

However, the cumulative effect of Earth’s gravity is what keeps everything anchored to the ground.

Fundamenta­l forces

Gravity is one of the four fundamenta­l forces of nature, along with electromag­netic forces, the strong nuclear forces, and the weak nuclear forces.

It is the weakest of the four forces, yet it has an infinite range and is responsibl­e for the large-scale structure of the universe. —

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