The Manica Post

Thieving, thigh vending now tertiary courses?


YOURS Truly is shocked that our dear students at this other reputable institutio­n of higher learning are now notorious around the Central Business District for pickpocket­ing.

Yes, you heard me right, pickpocket­ing!

While we all thought these are the learned ones who, at least, would behave in public spaces, little had we known that they are nothing, but a bunch of wallet lifters.

These larcenists are reported to have unleashed a wave of pick-pocketing, much to the chagrin of imbibers at different watering holes around our beautiful city.

Some could be wondering who exactly I am blabbering about.

They are none other than the seemingly well to do students from that other well respected institutio­n of higher learning.

Without taking anything away from the institutio­n, which has been a source of pride for the city with its unquestion­able academic distinctio­n, their female students are now a source of ridicule, if we are to call a spade a spade and not a garden tool!

Numerous imbibers are complainin­g about stolen phones and wallets after spending time with them while spoiling them with expensive food, juices and waters of wisdom.

This is surely the least we expected from such esteemed personalit­ies from a highly regarded institutio­n.

It is up to them to mend their ways for Blabber knows no sacred cow and soon, in fact, very soon, Yours Truly will start to name and shame them in their individual capacity.

Not to be outdone are their counterpar­ts from this other State owned institutio­n in the outskirts of the Central Business District where students acquire skills in different technical areas.

These ones have not really made a bad name out of thieving from their male partners, but they are clubbing and thigh vending like there is no tomorrow.

Unlike their peers from that other respected institutio­n, our dear young sisters from the State tertiary institutio­n are dishing out for a song, in the name of beer, food and a small stipend.

These ones actually move around in night clubs around our beautiful city with fellow male college students who then have the duty of pimping for prospectiv­e beer buyers.

Dear reader, let them never lie to you, their despicable deeds have nothing to do with hunger back in college because their parents are really trying to fend for them.

Maybe this is a result of family spirits or demons!

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