The Manica Post

Money stolen from wooden plate

- Tinashe Mlambo

FOUR unknown robbers pounced on a Mutare family in the affluent Murambi suburb and made good their escape with US$400 last week.

The money was in a traditiona­l hut outside the main house and placed in a wooden plate (mbiya).

Acting Manicaland provincial police spokespers­on, Assistant Inspector Wiseman Chinyoka confirmed the incident, saying investigat­ions are in progress.

“Ms Ellen Chifamba (39) arrived home in Murambi East suburb and parked her car in the garage.

‘‘Upon getting into the house and locking the door, she smelt that something was burning in her kitchen. She proceeded to the kitchen and found four men there.

“One of the suspects was holding a gun, while another was armed with a machete.

‘‘One of the suspects slapped Ms Chifamba on the face and ordered her to surrender all the money she had. She told them that the only cash she had was the US$400 that was in the hut outside the main house,” he said.

Assistant Inspector Chinyoka said the four men proceeded to the hut where they took the US$400 and went back to the main house.

“The suspects proceeded to Ms Chifamba’s bedroom where they stole two cellphones and went away,” he said.

Ms Chifamba made a report at Mutare Central Police Station.

“No arrests were made and we are appealing to members of the public for informatio­n leading to arrest of the suspects. We also advise the public not to try and resist when confronted by robbers as this might led to unnecessar­y loss of lives,” said Assistant Inspector Chinyoka.

Meanwhile, a Chipinge couple recently lost US$830 to robbers in Chief Mapungwana’s area.

Assistant Inspector Chinyoka said Mr Ruben Sithole (70) and his wife, Ms Judith Nhuwani (51) had retired to bed, while their 12-year-old son was watching television in the sitting room when the robbers pounced.

“As he watched TV, he heard a knock which he answered. At the door were three unknown men who requested to see his parents. The boy went inside to call his parents.

“Upon hearing some movements in the sitting room, Mr Sithole and his wife went out of their bedroom to investigat­e. They came face to face with the robbers and were ordered to sit down. The robbers were armed with machetes,” he said.

Assistant Inspector Chinyoka said Sithole tried to escape, but one of the suspects pushed him to the ground.

“When he fell down, they struck him with a machete once on his left wrist and once on his head.

“One of the armed robbers strangled him while pressing him down. Ms Nhuwani tried to save her husband, but was struck by a machete on her left knee before being ordered to give them money. Ms Nhuwani went to her bedroom and gave US$830 to the robbers,” he said.

The matter was reported to the police and the injured couple was rushed to hospital where they were treated and discharged.

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