The Manica Post

Consulting traditiona­l healer backfires

- Tendai Gukutikwa

A Nyanga man has labelled the goblins he acquired 12 years ago as ‘lazy and incompeten­t’, highlighti­ng that they have dismally failed to protect his property.

The matter was recently heard at Chief Saunyama’s court where it was revealed that Tendai Nyabereka’s problems worsened after he acquired goblins from an infamous Nyanga traditiona­l healer, Sekuru Sithole.

Sithole had dragged Nyabereka to the court as he demanded payment for his services.

The sangoma was demanding five cattle and claimed that Nyabereka never paid him for the said goblins.

However, Nyabereka claimed that he acquired seemingly harmless charms from Sithole which later on turned into “lazy and incompeten­t goblins”.

“I did not know that what I got from Sithole were goblins. I thought they were charms to block thieves from visiting my homestead. These charms later turned into goblins and they have been terrorisin­g me. In 2012, invisible thieves would pounce on my homestead on a daily basis.

“We would later realise that some of our things would have been stolen. We were losing a lot of valuables and that is when I consulted Sithole,” said Nyabereka.

“Sithole gave me some charms to use as security at my homestead. I was told not to pay anything until the charms worked for me. I did everything as instructed by Sithole.

“However, the raids became worse. As a result, I did not pay Sithole for his services because he had told me that I should only pay after the raids stopped,” said Nyabereka.

He said he was shocked to be summoned to court over the issue.

“I was not even aware that Sithole gave me goblins. Why should I be sued today for something that has never worked for me for the past 12 years? My life never changed. Had the said goblins delivered, honestly, I would have paid my dues long back,” he said.

However, the traditiona­l healer insisted on his payment.

“Why didn’t you come back to me when you realised that the goblins were not working for you? At times my goblins do not match the powers of the rivals. In events like this, one should surrender them back to me.

“You should have surrendere­d the incompeten­t goblins and I would have replaced them with more efficient ones. You chose to stay with them, meaning that you wanted them and was using them,” he said.

“If you insist that these goblins did not work for you and that you will not pay for their services, then bring them back. However, nothing will stop my ancestors from collecting what is due to them,” said the traditiona­l healer.

As a result, Nyabereka entered into negotiatio­ns with Sithole, although his efforts proved fruitless during the court session.

Chief Saunyama warned his subjects against consulting traditiona­l healers and not paying up for rendered services.

 ?? ?? Tendai Nyabereka
Tendai Nyabereka

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