The Manica Post

Excessive booze kills man

- Tinashe Mlambo

A BEER drinking binge turned fatal for a Nyanga man who had one too many illicit brews from a local backyard watering hole.

Bernard Ganda (62), of Nyamahupa 2A, under Chief Saunyama in Nyanga was allegedly drinking an illicit brew when he died.

Acting Manicaland police spokespers­on, Assistant Inspector Wiseman Chinyoka confirmed the incident and ruled out foul play.

“Ganda was in the company of his sonin-law, Kudzai Ngandu and Jasper Nyamunhekw­a when they went on a beer drinking binge at a local tuckshop.

He got drunk, but insisted that he still wanted to drink more. He had not eaten anything.

“Ngandu and Nyamunhekw­a went back home leaving him behind as the two had advised him that they wanted to eat first before consuming more alcohol.

“When the two returned to the tuckshop around 6pm, they found Ganda lying on the ground. They did not wake him, assuming he was resting and continued drinking,” he said.

Assistant Inspector Chinyoka said after sometime, his colleagues realised that Ganda’s joints were too weak and could hardly walk. They offered to help him to get home.

“Along the way they stopped to rest, and decided that it would be best for Ganda to spend the night at Nyamunhekw­a’s place. They prepared some porridge for him to eat. They let him sleeping outside as it was very warm that night.

“At around 11pm, Nyamunhekw­a heard Ganda singing alone outside, but did not bother to check on him. An hour later, he decided to take him inside the house, only to discover that he was dead. No foul play is suspected,” he said.

A report was made to the police, who attended the scene and conveyed Ganda’s body to Nyanga District Hospital mortuary for a post-mortem.

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