The Manica Post

Makoni RDC CEO suspended

- Lovemore Kadzura

MAKONI Rural District Council has suspended its long serving chief executive officer, Dr Edward Pise over a litany of allegation­s, chief among them, purported connivance with suspended council chairman, Alderman David Guy Mutasa to resist an investigat­ive audit by the Ministry of Local Government and Public Works.

Former Local Government and Public Works Minister, Dr Winston Chitando last month cracked the whip and suspended Makoni RDC chairman, Alderman Mutasa for allegedly conniving with Dr Pise to resist an investigat­ion sanctioned by the ministry.

Minister Chitando had dispatched an investigat­ion team to look into how the local authority acquired land in Nyazura which it went on to develop into residentia­l, business and agro-residentia­l plots.

The Ministry of Lands, Agricultur­e, Fisheries, Water and Rural Developmen­t is also claiming entitlemen­t to the land in question.

The team failed to execute its mission after Alderman Mutasa allegedly connived with Dr Pise to engage the local authoritie­s’ lawyers — Warara and Associates — to challenge the probe without a council resolution.

And for his role in the misdemeano­r, Dr Pise, who has served the local authority for close to 30 years, was handed over the suspension letter last Friday.

The suspension is without benefits. The suspension letter was written by the acting Makoni RDC chairman, Councillor Ellah Hlanguyo on April 17.

Last week on Tuesday, a special full council meeting was convened to ratify the suspension. The meeting unanimousl­y agreed to have Dr Pise suspended.

Makoni District Developmen­t Coordinato­r, Mr Edwin Mashindi attended the special full council meeting, which resolved to appoint Engineer Edmore Chidembo as the acting chief executive officer.

In her letter, Councillor Hlanguyo highlighte­d the allegation­s which centred on Dr Pise and Alderman Mutasa’s alleged connivance to engage council lawyers to block an investigat­ion by the parent ministry to look into how the Makoni RDC acquired a farm in Nyazura for its expansion.

Dr Pise was also accused of fighting Central Government using ratepayers’ money and without a council resolution.

“Your attention is drawn to an act you committed with Alderman David Matambura Mutasa which led to his suspension by the Minister of Local Government and Public Works in terms of Section 154 of the Rural District Councils Act (Chapter 29:13).

“Therefore, in terms of the powers vested in me, in terms of Section 66 of the Rural District Councils Act (Chapter 28:13) as the council chairperso­n, and on behalf of council, I do hereby place you on suspension with immediate effect and the following are your allegation­s:

“You usurped the powers of council as you acted as council in your own right and you proceeded to execute your decision to challenge the Minister with the council chairperso­n without a council resolution. Furthermor­e, you used the council lawyer to fight Government using ratepayers’ money and public funds without approval of council.

“Overall, you obstructed a legal process to make an inquiry at council as prescribed in terms of Section 154 of the Rural District Council Act (Chapter 29:11).

“During the period of your suspension, you are supposed to hand over all council assets, including vehicles in your possession to the executive officer (human resources and administra­tion) or his delegate. You shall not be entitled to any allowances or benefit up until your matter is concluded.

“Furthermor­e, you shall also not be allowed to conduct any council business within or outside council premises or to participat­e in any programme or activity on behalf of council” read the letter in possession of The Manica Post.

Repeated efforts to get a comment from Dr Pise were fruitless.

Mr Mashindi confirmed the Makoni RDC decision, but refused to entertain further inquiries.

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