The Manica Post

Man roams Mutare streets with snake

A man last Friday caused a stir as he roamed the streets of Mutare with a puff adder and crabs in a transparen­t plastic bag.

- Tendai Gukutikwa Weekender Reporter

He was later arrested and fined for criminal nuisance. Acting Manicaland provincial police spokespers­on, Assistant Inspector Wiseman Chinyoka said Learnmore Mayengamhu­ru, of Muruweru Village, under Chief Musikavanh­u in Chipinge, was charged with criminal nuisance as defined in Section 46 of the Criminal Law (Codificati­on and Reform) Act, Chapter 9: 23.

“He was arrested after being found in possession of a dead puff adder and crabs in the central business district (CBD) of Mutare. Police details escorted him to Mutare Central Police Station where he was fined for criminal nuisance. He was released after paying a fine,” he said, adding that the dead reptile and crabs were handed over to Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority.

“The snake and crabs were in their early stages of decomposit­ion, and therefore were disposed of. Mayengamhu­ru, however, did not say how he got the dead creatures,” he said.

The unusual find, drew a large crowd, with curious onlookers following the man, who was being accompanie­d by two cycling cops to Mutare Central Police


The superstiti­ous among them labelled Mayenganhu­ru a ritualist.

They argued that he wanted to use the snake for money making rituals.

However, Mayengamhu­ru maintained his cool and never answered back as he stood guarded by the police officers.

A vendor, Tambudzai Maringosi who was among the first to discover that Mayengamhu­ru was carrying a dead snake in a plastic bag, said they were shocked to see the man walking freely on the pavements with his “parcel”.

“He was walking in the city’s downtown area when we saw that he was carrying a snake in a plastic bag. We did not know whether the snake was dead or alive, but it looked alive at that point.

“Someone shouted that he was carrying a snake, and he was suddenly mobbed as people rushed to catch a glimpse of him.

“Some wanted to administer instant justice on him, but luckily there were two police officers on patrol nearby, who apprehende­d and took him to Mutare Central Police Station,” she said.

Another onlooker, Chipo Ratidzanwa said they nearly beat the man on suspicions of being a ritualist.

“People wanted to beat him, but they were afraid that the snake might react and attack them. It was upon arrival at Mutare Central Police Station when it was discovered that the snake was dead.

“All along people thought that it was alive. He was very lucky because the police did not take time to arrive and escort him, otherwise people wanted to beat him up believing that he was a ritualist,” she said.

 ?? ?? Leanmore Mayengamhu­ru of Chipinge caused a stir as he roamed the streets of Mutare with a puff adder snake and crabs in a transparen­t plastic bag last Friday — Picture: Tinai Nyadzayo
Leanmore Mayengamhu­ru of Chipinge caused a stir as he roamed the streets of Mutare with a puff adder snake and crabs in a transparen­t plastic bag last Friday — Picture: Tinai Nyadzayo

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