The Manica Post

Bizarre punishment!

… unexplaine­d swelling of privates

- Tendai Gukutikwa

AMUTASA family is grappling with a bizarre and unsettling phenomenon in which its young male family members are developing both an excruciati­ng and distressin­g condition, characteri­sed by the unexplaine­d swelling of their private parts.

The strange occurrence is said to being caused by their late son’s vengeful spirit which is seeking retributio­n for a mishap that forced him into committing suicide.

The avenging spirit is allegedly identifyin­g itself as Tonderai Nyamutsiti — who committed suicide against a backdrop of physical abuse by his aunt — Rosemary Chengetai-Nyamutsiti.

He took his own life in 2014, then aged 17, after being assaulted on his private parts by Rosemary.

This matter came to light at Chief Mutasa’s community court recently after Rosemary confessed to the crime and pledged to appease the deceased’s spirit.

Tonderai’s father, Phillip Nyamutsiti said his son’s avenging spirit is causing the swelling of his brothers, cousins and nephew’s private parts.

“At first we thought that the family was being plagued by a strange hernia disease as the swelling starts when one is young.

“We took them to hospitals and doctors diagnosed hernia or other diseases. We would book for surgery, but on the day of the operation, doctors would tell us that they had misdiagnos­ed, and had to re-start the process again,” he said.

He brought his three-year-old grandson suffering from the strange ailment to demonstrat­e his point.

“This child is in pain. His privates are always swollen. We got to know that it was Tonderai who was causing all this after he started manifestin­g on his sister-in-law, Marilyn who is here with us today,” he narrated.

The Nyamutsiti­s are suing Rosemary Chengetai-Nyamutsiti, accusing her of invoking the avenging spirit.

“My late son claims to be seeking vengeance because he needs a wife as he is now old enough to marry. All along, I did not know that my sister-in-law had a hand in his death. She had silenced him in death (kutsipika). We hear that she took his clothes and used them for rituals. The rituals were allegedly performed at a river. All along we thought

my son had killed himself over something else,” he said.

As if on cue, Tonderai’s spirit started manifestin­g on Marilyn, who forcibly removed the clothes she was covered with, before sitting like a man.

“When they buried me, my private parts were swollen. I was assaulted by Chengetai Nyamutsiti who accused me of damaging her television set.

“I was staying with her as her husband is my uncle (father’s brother). I tried to explain my innocence to her in vain. She insisted that it was me since her children were well mannered.

“As I retired to bed, she sneaked into the room where I was sleeping while holding a broom and assaulted me severely on my private parts. I was in excruciati­ng pain. Because of the pain, I took the poison and committed suicide,” alleged the spirit.

Tonderai’s manifestin­g spirit demanded that

the TV set he was alleged to have damaged be placed on his grave.

“On top of that, I also want the broom which she used to assault me to be put inside my grave, otherwise the swelling of their private parts will not cease.

I also need to be appeased with 10 cattle, which will be given to my brother’s son, who I have inflicted with swollen private parts,” added the spirit.

Chief Mutasa said he will negotiate with the avenging spirit to reduce its demand for 10 beasts.

This was after Chengetai Nyamutsiti admitted having accused and assaulted the late Tonderai on his private parts.

“I erred by assaulting him. I am prepared to appease his avenging spirit before it starts killing people. I will do as demanded, including placing the TV set on his grave. However, I no longer have the broom that I used to assault him,” she said.

Chief Mutasa advised her to buy a new broom that will be used to perform the rituals. He said the deceased will be informed about the replacemen­t.

“I really erred and I am owning up to my mistake,” she said.

To show contrition, she paid an admission of guilty fee (matendanda­va) before the Chief ’s court. Chief Mutasa ordered the family to appear before his community court on May 11 after placing the TV set on Tonderai’s grave and performing the other rituals.

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 ?? ?? The Nyamutsiti family at Chief Mutasa’s court recently
The Nyamutsiti family at Chief Mutasa’s court recently
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