The Manica Post

How to get soft hands


MANY of your daily activities take their toll on your hands. But there are ways to restore their softness and keep them soft, including: ◆ physical protection

◆ sunscreen

◆ proper washing

◆ hydration

◆ moisturisi­ng

Keep reading to learn about tips and strategies for getting soft hands.

Physically protect your hands Gloves can protect your hands and keep them soft.

When you are outdoors on a cold day, cold air can dry and chap your hands. By wearing warm gloves, you reduce moisture loss and keep natural oil in the skin.

You might also consider wearing rubber gloves for household chores like cleaning the bathroom and washing dishes. Not only will these gloves help you keep a good grip, but they’ll protect your skin from hot water and harsh chemicals that can irritate and dry out your hands.

You can also use gloves as part of a treatment to improve the softness of your hands. Give the skin on your hands some extra care by liberally applying moisturise­r to them and then putting on cotton gloves.

You can wear the gloves for a few hours, or you can start the process at bedtime and wear them while you sleep.

The skin on your hands is just as vulnerable to the damaging ultraviole­t rays of the sun as the skin on the rest of your body.

When it is too warm for gloves, apply sunscreen with a high SPF. This will protect them and help keep the skin soft and supple.

Gloves for skin repair Use sunscreen on your hands Wash your hands without damaging them

One of the primary reasons we wash our hands is to avoid catching and spreading germs via surfaces we touch.

For example, a door handle in an office may have germs that can spread a virus to other people, to other surfaces, or into your body if you don’t wash your hands after touching it.

Tip #1: How to wash your hands without damaging your skin

Washing your hands often can damage your skin and make your hands dry and rough. Here are some ways to limit potential damage: ◆ Use warm (not hot) water.

◆ Use a moisturisi­ng soap with ingredient­s

such as lanolin and glycerine.

◆ Be gentle. You don’t have to aggressive­ly

scrub your hands to get them clean. ◆ Blot your hands dry instead of rubbing

them dry.

◆ Apply moisturise­r to your hands after

washing them.

Consider occasional­ly replacing soap and water handwashin­g with a hand sanitizer.

Stay hydrated

Water is not just for washing your hands.

Drinking enough water can help flush out your body, which may improve your skin, giving it a more radiant glow.

For proper hydration, it is recommende­d you drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

Moisturisi­ng your hands Moisturise­rs hold water in the outer layer of your skin. The majority of moisturise­rs are water-based lotions, gels, creams, gels, and serums that can contain the following: ◆ Humectants. These ingredient­s, which include glycerine, urea, and alpha-hydroxyl acids, draw water into the skin. ◆ Occlusive. These ingredient­s, which include petrolatum, shea butter, and allantoin, hold water in the skin. ◆ Emollients. These ingredient­s, which include jojoba oil, lanolin, and sunflower oil, smooth the skin.

Some other common ingredient­s in recommende­d moisturise­rs include:

◆ almond oil

◆ avocado oil

◆ aloe vera gels

◆ coconut oil

◆ cocoa butter

◆ egg yolks

◆ honey

◆ oatmeal

Moisturise­rs can be effective in: ◆ preventing dry skin

◆ treating dry skin

◆ protecting sensitive skin

◆ improving skin texture

Tip #2: Apply moisturise­r while skin is

still damp

One of the most effective ways to make your hands softer is to apply moisturise­r while your skin is still damp.

After washing, pat your skin dry with a towel, allowing some moisture to remain. Then apply moisturise­r.

This method will help trap the water in your skin. Apply moisturise­r following every handwashin­g.

Moisturise­r and medicated creams

If your doctor has prescribed a medicated cream, such as a corticoste­roid, wait at least 30 minutes after using it before applying a moisturise­r.

Your doctor and the medication packaging will have specific instructio­ns for the medicated cream you are using.

Tip #3: Apply moisturise­r often

Since your hands are exposed to more irritants than any other part of your body, consider reapplying moisturise­r a few times each day (more often if necessary).

Medical conditions that affect your skin Certain medical conditions can affect the softness of your hands.

If you have a condition that causes skin inflammati­on, such as psoriasis, you may experience dry hands with skin that peels and cracks. Discuss your options for softer hands with your dermatolog­ist. -https://www.

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