The Manica Post

Jilted man demands lobola back

- Tinashe Mlambo

A DEVASTATED Mutare woman has approached the court seeking an order barring her possessive ex-husband, Bornface Zvawashe from pressurisi­ng her into reconcilin­g with him.

Stung by Kunashe Mare’s incessant rejection, Zvawashe allegedly demanded a refund of the bride price he paid to her family during the subsistenc­e of their marriage.

This is seen as part of the broader strategy to pressurise Mare to reconcile with him at all costs, prompting her to approach Mutare Civil Court for a protection order.

The two appeared before Mutare magistrate, Mr Xavier Chipato who granted the protection order which is valid for the next five years.

“Your worship, we separated in 2011, and since then he has been a constant source of distress in my life. He has resorted to physical violence and verbal abuse to intimidate me. He always says that we should reconcile and threatens that if we do not get back together, he will demand his bride price back from my parents,” she said.

Mare added that Zvawashe texts and insults her over the phone.

“Recently he sent me a text message insulting me and my parents, saying my parents did not raise me well because I left my matrimonia­l home. That is not true.

“He was unfaithful to the extent of proposing love to my sister to be his side chick. I did not say anything though I realised at that moment that he does not deserve me. As we speak, this man has two wives, but still bothers me. I am scared because I am now employed as a domestic worker, and if he comes to my workplace and cause commotion, I might lose my job,” she said.

Responding to the allegation­s, Zvawashe was not ashamed of his aggressive behaviour.

He admitted harassing Mare, saying he wanted her back as a wife.

“I am not denying that I went to her place and caused havoc. I did that out of love. I love her, but she does not want to submit to my terms and conditions.

She tells people our family secrets, a reason why at one point I sent her an insulting text message. She had no right to talk about my family issues to people, it is my private life after all. I have two wives, but I love her more than them, yet she no longer wants to warm my bed.

“I even suggested consulting her aunts, but every time I meet them we never come to an agreement. They no longer want me as their son in-law. I cannot completely turn my back on her as we have two children together.

“I asked for the bride price refund because her uncles do not give me a listening ear, which really eats my heart,” he said.

Mr Chipato advised the two to come to a reasonable understand­ing so that Zvawashe can have access to their children.

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