The Manica Post

All that glitters isn’t gold


THE greatest tragedy of our generation is that we have people who spend a lot, but have never worked anywhere.

One wonders where they would have amassed so much wealth. Even their age does not correspond with the amount of wealth in their possession.

Blabber is not jealous of those who are blessed to the extent of making so much money in a short space of time, but Yours Truly is only worried about our dear young ones, who then try to imitate those big spenders and end up dipping their fingers in cash boxes that do not belong to them.

This is the story of a young girl who used to live a lavish lifestyle. Many are familiar with her in our beautiful city because of her spending spree.

Her name is reminiscen­t of that other deceased princess from the Queen’s land.

Yes, I mean the globally acclaimed princess who died some decades ago in that horrific car crash.

While the deceased princess was known more because of her philanthro­pic work, our wayward princess was known for patronisin­g different up-market watering holes where she purchased expensive bottles.

She was known for having fun throughout the week, and would create a carnival atmosphere wherever she was — whatever time — all because of her perceived fat wallet.

Gentle reader, she was a party animal! What we did not know all along was that she was busy stealing from her employer to fund her insatiable appetite for expensive items.

This only came to light recently when she fled the country after her employer audited the cash flows in the company.

It emerged that the fuel retail company was fleeced of a substantia­l amount of money that was diverted to her personal use over a period of time.

As Yours Truly pens this piece, our uncultured princess is on the police wanted list.

The fugitive is believed to have fled to that other country located in the northern direction of our beloved teapot shaped nation.

Those who confided in Blabber said she is now staying with a relative in that country.

Blabber really wants our young ones to understand that money is earned, and never admire some of these big spenders in our midst when you do not know the source of their flouted wealth.

Far from the madness of this unguided princess of ours, word reading Yours Truly is that there are more players in blood money acts that drove this other local businessma­n into kidnapping and murdering innocent people.

I mean, this other businessma­n we blabbered about in our previous instalment who operates a few kombis and two grinding mills in that outlying high density suburb named after its prior traditiona­l leadership.

Blabber is informed that he is not the only one in the game.

Blabber was promised details about this other prominent businesspe­rson who is also unleashing a reign of terror in almost the same area.

He is also into some sort of politics. Oh, by the way, Blabber was surprised to learn that some folks believe that this other boy who fell from riches to rags was only dramatisin­g everything.

They say he still has his things intact, and was just a content creator, seeking attention.

For reasons best known to them, he will soon get back to his luxurious lifestyle after seeing who really cares for him and does not.

Much as Blabber does not believe this line of thinking, only time will tell.

We can only wait and see!

Watch the space!

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