The Standard (Zimbabwe)

Covid-19: ED, Chamisa call for unity


PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa and MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa yesterday called for unity in the fight against the deadly Covid-19 pandemic that has hit the country hard with deaths fast approachin­g the 1 000 mark and close to 30 000 infections.

In his address to the nation yesterday, Mnangagwa said there was need for unity across the political divide and among Zimbabwean­s for the country to win the Covid-19 war.

“The pandemic has been indiscrimi­nate in its grim harvest. Zimbabwean­s from all walks of life, all stations, all tribes, all races and religions have succumbed to it,” Mnangagwa said.

“We have lost loved ones, we have lost ministers of government and officials. We have lost more across the political divide. The danger we face needs us to unite as Zimbabwean­s, whatever our station, colour, creed or politics.

“Today we are united in grief and facing this. There are no spectators, adjudicato­rs, no holier than thou nor supermen or superwomen. We are all exposed and we are all potential victims. We are all affected one way or the other. We must stand together arm in arm holding each and one another like a united people.”

Mnangagwa warned against private parties and clandestin­e opening of bars saying such practices aided rising of numbers of Covid-19 infections.

“We must stop going to private parties and gatherings, we must report suspicious cases of returnees in our country,” he said.

“Our law enforcemen­t agencies are actively manning all key points countrywid­e. We are ready with more deployment­s and ready to prescribe many measures when it becomes necessary.”

Mnangagwa said the government was engaging countries that had developed vaccines to assist Zimbabwe.

“Help and relief are on the way,” he said.

More substantiv­e announceme­nts would be made in the coming days, he said.

Chamisa said the Covid-19 fight was a national fight that needed all hands on deck.

“Life is precious. The virus must fall. We salute our doctors and nurses, the brave soldiers who fight day and night to save lives. Focused leadership, strategy, and prayer will see us through. It’s a national fight, together we will win. Always for a better Zimbabwe,” he tweeted yesterday.

 ??  ?? Emmerson Mnangagwa
Emmerson Mnangagwa
 ??  ?? Nelson Chamisa
Nelson Chamisa

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