The Standard (Zimbabwe)

Admission fees into Covid-19 wards exorbitant


PUBLIC hospitals where ordinary Zimbabwean­s go to for survival are charging as much as RTGS $10 000, an equivalent of US$100, for admission into their Covid-19 wards, an amount of money that very few ordinary citizens of this country can afford.

Inquiries by The Standard over the week found that Parirenyat­wa, the main Covid-19 referral hospital in the capital, is said to be charging an upfront $10 000 upon admission to the general ward where Covid patients are treated.

Admission into private wards at the same institutio­n calls for an advance payment of between US$1 500 and US$2 500 prior to admission. Very few people can afford these fees in Zimbabwe where the average salary ranges below US$100.

As a result, most people that go to these public health institutio­ns seeking treatment for Covid-19 are turned away and now resort to home-based care.

Parirenyat­wa Hospital spokespers­on Linos Dhire, however, refuted claims that the institutio­n was demanding such huge sums of money from Covid-19 patients.

“Covid-19 treatment remains free at Parirenyat­wa Group of Hospitals,” said Dhire.

Zimbabwe is going through its worst phase since the breakout of Covid-19 in March last year with statistics of infected people close to breaching the 9 000 mark while fatalities stand at over 900.

In January last year, government raised consultati­on fees for its institutio­ns with Parirenyat­wa hospital charging $200 for consultati­on and the same for a bed on admission per day for Covid-19 patients. Other central hospitals were charging $160 with provincial hospitals charging $120.

A source at Sally Mugabe Central Hospital said the hospital was still charging the pegged $160 while referrals to Covid-19 centres were being done for patients who tested positive to the virus.

A private hospital in Chitungwiz­a is charging US$20 for consultati­on and US$2 200 for the Covid-19 ward.

Community Working Group on Health executive director Itai Rusike called on the government to strengthen health systems as public health institutio­ns are overwhelme­d by the huge number of patients requiring health care from very few facilities that are manned by ill-equipped skeletal staff.

“Government, through the Health ministry, needs to regulate the fees charged at public health institutio­ns to reduce the number of deaths from Covid-19-related health conditions,” Rusike said.

 ??  ?? Community Working Group on Health executive director Itai Rusike
Community Working Group on Health executive director Itai Rusike

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