The Standard (Zimbabwe)

Rogue soldiers on the prowl


The Zimbabwe National Army ZNA) has warned the public to be on the lookout for rogue soldiers that are deployed across the country and are going out of their line of duty and robbing people at gunpoint.

Army spokespers­on Colonel Alphios Makotore yesterday said it was worrying that the cases of rogue and undiscipli­ned members of the force involved in armed robberies were increasing. He said the army was taking action to restore discipline.

“The Zimbabwe National Army has noted with concern the increasing number of incidents where some rogue and undiscipli­ned members of the force deployed on various duties around the country are wantonly engaging in criminal activities thereby bringing the name of the organisati­on into disrepute,” Makotore said.

“In view of the recent cases of criminal activities by members of the force, the ZNA would like to put it on record for the umpteenth time that as an organisati­on, it does not in any way condone such behaviour nor any forms of criminalit­y committed by any of its members purporting to be on official duty.”

He said anyone found to be on the wrong side of the law would be dealt with in accordance with the laws of the country.

“Incidents of armed robberies reported at Gwebi River bridge layby along Harare-Chinhoyi Road on January 6, 2021 and in Mutawatawa, Uzumba Maramba Pfungwe, on January 19, 2021, will be thoroughly investigat­ed and the culprits will be brought to book,” he added.

He said the rogue soldiers had since been arrested and were appearing in court.

Incidents of armed soldiers engaged in robberies have been on the increase while other cases of the armed forces engaged in corruption at the border post to facilitate illegal travels have also been reported to Parliament.

Parliament last year heard that the soldiers were tempted to engage in corrupt activities because of poor working conditions.”

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