The Standard (Zimbabwe)

‘Public criticism necessary in judiciary accountabi­lity’


LAW experts have urged citizens to take a more active role and participat­e in legal issues to ensure that the judiciary system abides by the constituti­on for effective justice delivery. Law lecturers Lovemore Madhuku and Alex Magaisa said the very citizens who make the constituti­on should guard against abuse of the supreme law through public criticism and debate to ensure accountabi­lity in constituti­onalism.

They said this on Thursday evening as guest speakers during a Zoom meeting hosted by Crisis Zimbabwe Coalition, under the topic: “Progressio­n or regression: A new Constituti­on and the state of the judiciary in Zimbabwe.”

Magaisa, a law lecturer at University of Kent in the United Kingdom, said the public should be at the forefront in raising concerns on judicial injustices but Zimbabwean citizens were reluctant to participat­e on issues affecting them, leaving the responsibi­lity to lawyers and politician­s.

“The civil society should take an active role and be critical on issues which are considered to be contrary to the constituti­onal dictates,” Magaisa said.

“People have to understand that they have the power over the Constituti­on and they have to be cognisant of the current affairs on issues to do with the law.

“There is need to profession­alise the civil society so that they are critical on important issues such as judgements at courts, amendments proposed by the government and other issues, to promote respect of constituti­onal rights.”

Madhuku, a politician and law lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe, concurred with Magaisa saying that public participat­ion on judiciary processes was important to enhance accountabi­lity even if it meant people had to go on the streets to fight for constituti­onalism.

“The public can seek judiciary accountabi­lity by taking the legal route, which involves engaging lawyers and going through the ordinary litigation processes,” said Madhuku.

“But the other way of seeking accountabi­lity is through public consciousn­ess and public involvemen­t in raising issues of concerns. There are situations where magistrate­s make their decisions, influenced by public criticism.

“It could be the scenario on Fadzayi (Mahere) who recently got bail at the magistrate­s’ court level while the other two (Hopewell Chin’ono and Job Sikhala) who are facing similar charges before different magistrate­s were denied bail and are in prison.”

The National Constituti­onal Assembly party leader said the judiciary had failed to progress the current constituti­onal framework on promoting fundamenta­l rights.

“The magistrate­s’ courts have not given respect to the Constituti­on in respect of one of the most celebrated rights — the righty to liberty. We have all noticed that in the past, when arrested many have applied for bail at the magistrate­s’ courts but did not get it, save for a few selected cases. The magistrate­s have undermined the concept of compelling reasons on bail awarding. They have allowed even flimsy reasons to deny bail to applicants.”

He also said the Constituti­onal Court had deliberate­ly avoided deciding on critical constituti­onal matters and focused on “soft” issues which had nothing to do with the current constituti­on.

Both lecturers agreed that the arrests of MDC-Alliance party senior members Mahere and Sikhala and journalist Chin’ono were unconstitu­tional as the law under which they were being charged was

Magaisa called for more education and training of judicial o cers so that they are equipped with the knowledge on how to apply constituti­onal principles towards an e ective justice delivery.

outlawed. The trio’s arrests sparked criticisms from the civil society, human rights activists and foreign embassies who described the incarcerat­ions as arbitrary.

Magaisa called for more education and training of judicial officers so that they are equipped with the knowledge on how to apply constituti­onal principles towards an effective justice delivery.

Paul Mangwana, a lawyer and Zanu PF member who was also nominated as the guest speaker on the meeting, failed to attend.

 ??  ?? Alex Magaisa
Alex Magaisa

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