The Standard (Zimbabwe)

Japan slams Olympics cancellati­on report


TOKYO — Japan dismissed a report claiming officials see cancelling the Tokyo Olympics as inevitable yesterday, as heavyweigh­ts the United States, Canada and Australia said they were still preparing for the Games.

Deputy Government spokesman Manabu Sakai said there was “no truth” to the report in The Times, which quoted an unnamed ruling coalition source as saying “the consensus is that it’s too difficult” to hold the Olympics.

It is the latest report to cast doubt on the troubled 2020 Games, which were postponed over the novel coronaviru­s last year and have been hit by a surge in cases and plunging public support.

Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga yesterday insisted he was “determined” to hold the event “as proof that mankind will have overcome the virus”.

Tokyo 2020 organisers said they were “fully focused on hosting the Games this summer”. And the national Olympic committees of the United States, Canada and Australia all said they were preparing to send teams to Japan.

The statements from Canada and Australia contrast with last year, when they withdrew their athletes before officials took the unpreceden­ted decision to postpone.

However, despite denying the British report, Sakai said a decision was looming for Japan.

“At some point in time, we will naturally make a decision as to whether to actually hold it,” he said.

“Until then the Japanese Government will do what it needs to do, and make progress and prepare for it.”

Concerns have risen as Japan battles a third wave of coronaviru­s infections, with polls showing around 80% of Japanese oppose hosting the event this year.

Internatio­nal Olympic Committee (IOC) president Thomas Bach said there was “no reason whatsoever” for them not to go ahead on July 23 as scheduled.

“Everybody is really determined to make these Olympic Games,” Bach said in a video message yesterday. “All the prospects are good and we are working hard.”

The World Health Organisati­on’s emergencie­s director Michael Ryan said yesterday the Tokyo Olympic Games were still viable, but remained cautious.

“We don’t contribute to the decision-making regarding the holding or not holding of the Olympics,” he said. “The best way we can get to an Olympics is get on top of this disease.”

“I have every confidence in the Japanese people and in their public health and government­al authoritie­s. We all hope in the Olympics but we all recognise that everyone right now is a little afraid as we enter the new year with some uncertaint­ies.

Japan and the IOC took the historic step of postponing the Games last March as Covid-19 spread around the world.

Yesterday, Australian Olympic Committee CEO Matt Carroll ruled out another withdrawal, calling reports of the Games’ cancellati­on “unfounded rumour”.

“The Tokyo Games are on,” he said.

The United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC) stopped short of a vote of confidence, but said it remained focused on preparing for the Games.

“We have not received any informatio­n suggesting the Games will not happen as planned, and our focus remains on the health and preparedne­ss of Team USA athletes ahead of the Games this summer,” the USOPC tweeted.

Chairman of the British Olympic Associatio­n, Hugh Robertson told AFP he believed the Games would take place, although with “many fewer spectators in venues”.

“Clearly there is uncertaint­y around but I am as confident as one can be the Games will go ahead in some shape or form,” he said.

Tokyo governor Yuriko Koike said she had no idea where The Times had obtained its informatio­n, insisting cancellati­on had not been discussed.

“We’ve been firmly coordinati­ng with the Government, the organising committee and the IOC... and the truth is that there has been no talk of cancellati­on or postponeme­nt,” she told reporters.

Tokyo 2020 CEO Toshiro Muto told AFP this week that the organising committee is “unwavering” on holding the event this year, but couldn’t rule out staging it without spectators.

But domestical­ly there is rising doubt, with opposition lawmakers in Parliament on Thursday calling for the Games to be postponed or cancelled.

And yesterday, the Tokyo Medical Associatio­n called for the event to be held behind closed doors.

“They must give up the idea of having the festivity of the century by inviting people from various countries,” its Chairman Haruo Ozaki told the Asahi Shimbun newspaper.

“The feasibilit­y of holding it with no spectators should be considered.”

Sebastian Coe, global president of the Games’ showpiece track and field sport, said such a solution would be acceptable.

“I would love to have fans, noisy and passionate,” Coe told the BBC.

“But if the only way we're able to deliver it is behind closed doors, I think everybody is accepting of that.”

 ??  ?? There has been intense speculatio­n over the staging of Tokyo Olympics in July-August
There has been intense speculatio­n over the staging of Tokyo Olympics in July-August

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