The Standard (Zimbabwe)

Covid-19 disrupts model Kim’s 2021 plans

- By Style Reporter

Model-cum-businesswo­man Mufaro Kimberly Mtatabikwa (pictured) says her plans for the new year have been disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mtatabikwa, who prefers to call herself Kim, said she was being forced to do much of her business online.

Apart from her fashion business, You~nique Trending Stylez By Kim, Kim is also a model and an actress.

The 22-year-old vivacious socialite said she wants to turn her heavy presence on social media into something meaningful.

“I am very active on social media platforms, especially on Instagram and Facebook,” Kim told StandardSt­yle.

“Business is at a standstill due to lockdowns and everything is down because of Covid-19, but life should go on.

“In order to keep my business going, I am now using social media platforms to reach out to those fashionist­as like myself.”

Kim said people can reach out to her for business via such platforms.

The model rose to fame when she appeared in a number of musical videos by local artistes.

She has featured in music videos such as Baba Harare’s Mitoro, Automatica­lly and Waitamba Nevana, Freeman and 8L’s Cooking, Freeman and Lamont’s VukaVuka, Freeman and Black Warrior’s Musiye as well as Cozzy Kozile’s Zvirimudzi­mba.

“I am looking forward to feature on a number of videos this year, that is if the environmen­t allows us to do that. But for now my focus is on my fashion business and commercial modelling,” she said.

Kim attended Ngezi High School before moving to St Francis in Chegutu where she did her A’ Level.

She is an ardent fan of Zimdanceha­ll musician Freeman.

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