The Standard (Zimbabwe)

Mayo reaches out to Mutoko orphans


Local non-government­al organisati­on Marvel Acts Youth Organisati­on (Mayo), of Zimbabwe Trust has reached out to orphans and vulnerable children in Mutoko.

The organisati­on, which is working with the Women of Prayer Internatio­nal Ministry, recently donated groceries to Mother of Peace Community in Mutoko.

Mother of Peace Community was set up in 1994 as a response to the HIV and Aids pandemic.

It provides a home to more than 130 orphans in the security of a Christian family atmosphere.

The home's survival depends largely on donations from well-wishers both locally and from across the globe.

Burdened by the resident orphans to care for in addition to providing ongoing support for children who have been successful­ly reintegrat­ed into their wider family group, Mother of Peace Community needs substantia­l support to meet the running costs.

The home's situation has been exacerbate­d by the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In light of this, Mayo early this month joined hands with the Women of Prayer Internatio­nal Ministry to donate mealie meal and other food commoditie­s to the orphanage.

Mayo Zimbabwe director Abel Mavura said the donation and many others to come were part of his organisati­on's programme to alleviate suffering among vulnerable groups, particular­ly during this time of Covid-19.

"This is part of our charity programmes which seek to promote and complement the efforts by other developmen­t partners in minimising the effects of the Covid-19-induced lockdown," Mavura said.

In December, Mayo made a similar gesture after donating clothes and food to children at Tamuka Foundation in Kuwadzana.

Mayo programmes manager Witness Chikuni said the main objective of his organisati­on was to empower and transform communitie­s.

"It is achievable to develop communitie­s by empowering young people and other vulnerable groups," said Chikuni. "Taking from the Bible's Book of James

1 v 27, 'Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world,' hence the reason Mayo joined hands with the Women of Prayer Internatio­nal Ministry in visiting the child care centre in Mutoko to give the little they had and help souls."

A worker at the children's home reavealed that food was now a challenge since the advent of the Covid-19.

Mayo Zimbabwe is operationa­l in Mudzi, Mutoko, Murewa and Uzumba districts in Mashonalan­d East province as well as some parts of Harare Metropolit­an province including Epworth and Kuwadzana.

Mavura indicated that they would soon expand their coverage to include other provinces throughout the country.

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