The Standard (Zimbabwe)

Flood victims get raw deal


VICTIMS of floods, which swept through Tsholotsho, Matabelela­nd North, in 2017 are still waiting for the government to fulfil its promises to construct houses for them and rehabilita­te social infrastruc­ture such as roads.

Gwayi River burst its banks in March 2017 and overflowed to the homesteads of villagers, destroying their houses, schools, bridges, planted crops and infrastruc­ture.

Reports at the time said the floods claimed over six lives.

The worst affected villages were Mahlosi, Mahlaba, Thamuhla, Mbamba, Mele, Lutshome, Maphili and Mbanyana.

To mitigate the humanitari­an crisis, the government housed the victims in tents mounted at Sipepa Clinic while also revealing plans of relocating them to higher lying land where there is less risk of flooding.

Tshino and Sawudweni were identified as alternativ­e land to resettle the flood victims with the government saying it would construct as many as 319 houses to accommodat­e the villagers and their families.

A probe by the joint portfolio committee on Local Government, Public Works and National Housing and the thematic committee on peace and security on the assessment of progress made in areas affected by floods, however, shows the Tsholotsho flood victims still face a humanitari­an crisis with some still living in tents.

“At Tshino site, 143 houses were establishe­d. Of these, 11 had their roofs blown off by wind and eight houses were yet to be roofed.

“A total of 61 more houses needed to be constructe­d, with about 20 families in dire need of accommodat­ion as they were still housed in tattered tents,” read in part the findings of the probe presented in Parliament recently.

“A total of 143 toilets were constructe­d and 130 were not yet roofed.

“At Sawudweni resettleme­nt site, 122 out of the expected 176 houses were constructe­d.

“At this site, more than 50 people were still living in tents. At both sites, no kitchen has been constructe­d.

“Discussion­s with those who had new homes revealed that most of the homes were too small for the families because they have big families and practice polygamy.

“These sentiments were also echoed in Chimaniman­i by those who were still living in tents.”

According to the report, each family was supposed to be handed over a three-bedroom house, one blair toilet and a kitchen detached from the main house.

However, the parliament­ary investigat­ion reveals some of the constructe­d houses have already started developing cracks, showing poor workmanshi­p.

“Rehabilita­tion works in the area damaged by flash floods in Tsholotsho were yet to commence.

“Some of those houses constructe­d had started cracking, pointing to the poor workmanshi­p,” the report reads.

“The resettled people in Tsholotsho complained that the area of 5 250m2 tract of land they were allocated was not adequate for other activities such as cultivatio­n and livestock rearing.

“The committees were informed that the area provided was meant for residentia­l purposes only.

“For agricultur­al purposes, the victims were expected to utilise the land which they previously occupied.”

Tsholotsho is flood-prone. Villagers in affected areas have for years resisted relocation arguing they cannot leave their ancestral lands where their relatives and grandparen­ts lie buried.

 ??  ?? Some people are still living in tents
Some people are still living in tents

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