The Standard (Zimbabwe)

Spare a thought for the former second lady


My Dear People, Pictures of the former second lady Marry Mubaiwa struggling to walk while being led to court to face charges of allegedly plotting to kill her powerful ex-husband got everyone talking last week.

Some of you were asking whether it was possible for a man to treat a woman that he once shared a bed the way Generari is treating his exwife and still be able to sleep well at night.

The truth is that you all have the answers.

I did my best to warn you through those interface rallies with my G40-foot soldiers, but you did not listen.

Gushungo also told you ahead of the 2018 elections that these Lacoste gangsters are not your friends, but you thought he was bitter because his plans to hand over power to me had been thwarted.

They started showing you their colours barely a year after that power grab when they sent their soldiers to shoot defenceles­s women on August 1, 2018 during the protests in Harare.

As if that was not enough, they sent their goons to abduct and rape innocent women in January 2019 in the aftermath of the protests that followed the steep fuel price increases.

The former second lady’s plight is no different from that of those women that were violated and are yet to get any form of justice.

As a woman and a mother, I am moved by Marry’s predicamen­t. I hope common sense will prevail in our judiciary so that her case is handled in a humane manner.

No woman, let alone any human being, deserves such kind of treatment.

Even rapists and murderers receive far much better treatment at Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison.

Those women’s groups that harangued Wamba in 2018 for allegedly grabbing a microphone from his wife during a rally in the run-up to the elections are on hear-no-evil, see-no-evil mode.

Rinda, who sometimes masquerade­s as an opposition leader, took to Twitter to share her thoughts about Marry’s predicamen­t. It was a disaster.

Typical of regime enablers, Rinda blamed the victim.

She is one of those that have perfected the art of singing for their supper in the so-called new dispensati­on.

Who can blame her after those Polad clowns were rewarded with luxury cars for joining the Lacoste praise and worship team, kikikiki.

Talking of Lacoste praise-singers, Ndavaningi’s transforma­tion into a full-time murakashi is complete. He no longer pretends to be a profession­al and non-partisan civil servant.

The former psychiatri­c nurse flattered to deceive after he was parachuted to the Informatio­n ministry after the coup straight from exile in the United Kingdom.

Now the mask has totally come off as he tries to sell the non-existent Lacoste achievemen­ts.

They all seem to be good students of Baba as he also never saw any need to draw the line between the state and the party.

When I told you the Bobstar will rule you from the grave you all thought that I was hallucinat­ing, kikikiki.

Presiding over every ceremony

Meanwhile, have you noticed how hard Ngwena is trying to appear a better leader than Gushungo by accepting every invitation that lands on his desk?

Last week, he was dragged to open a branch of a food outlet in central Harare that was donated to his wife’s charity.

The spectacle invited scorn from Zimbabwean­s on social media and caused a lot of unnecessar­y problems for the owner of the franchise, who must now work overtime to clean up the mess.

Someone must tell Ngwena that a comatose economy is not resurrecte­d by going all over the place cutting ribbons.

He seems not to be getting the message that potential voters are not being hoodwinked by the ribbon-cutting ceremonies for projects that are not changing their lives.

The latest Afrobarome­ter survey on Zimbabwe says more than three quarters (77%) of the respondent­s said Ngwena’s government was performing badly in terms of addressing young people’s needs.

Youths in Zimbabwe constitute a significan­t portion of the voting population and the findings must have caused a lot of discomfort at Shake Shake Building.

There would be gnashing of teeth come 2023!

The Lacoste gang thought ruling a country would be a stroll in the park when they turned against Gushungo, but the chickens are coming home to roost, kikikiki. Munopengaa­aa!

Dr Amai. PhD (Fake)

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