The Standard (Zimbabwe)

More needs to be done on voter registrati­on


Youth Forum wishes to congratula­te the 25 603 citizens, who registered to vote from the start of the voter registrati­on blitz to present.

As announced by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC), a total of 25 603 registered to vote from the start of the registrati­on blitz on the 1st of February to the 14th of February. We applaud the active citizens, who took their precious time to go and register to vote.

We specifical­ly celebrate youths who despite the informalis­ation of the economy, which demands their time and presence throughout the day, took time to go and register to vote in various registrati­on centres across the country.

As Youth Forum we work to encourage youth participat­ion and youth voter registrati­on is the current focus. The figure, therefore, represents commitment of some of our youths to participat­e and define their own destinies.

While we applaud the numbers as announced by ZEC, we note with concern the low numbers of the youths who are registerin­g to vote during this blitz.

Youth Forum Zimbabwe has observed that there is low voter registrati­on turnout of the youths across all provinces.

We also note the hurdles that impede youth voter registrati­on across the country.

These include lack of identity documents, lack of informatio­n on registrati­on centres and the blitz itself.

We, therefore, continue to call for increased informatio­n disseminat­ion particular­ly in the rural areas and peri-urban communitie­s.

We further call upon the Home Affairs ministry to address challenges of in access to identity documents.

Identity documents are a right and the state must work to facilitate their access without a cost and difficulti­es.

Identity documents are key beyond elections, but help the youth in their various education and profession­al endeavours.

We further call upon ZEC to give disaggrega­ted data on registrant­s to help us to focus our efforts on specific demographi­c groups on voter registrati­on.

Disaggrega­ted data also helps to identify specific challenges affecting various demographi­c group and work to address them.

Finally, Youth Forum Zimbabwe continues to encourage youths to register to vote in the current first phase blitz which will end on the 28th of February 2022.

Voter registrati­on is part of the youth participat­ion drive which forms the bedrock of our interventi­ons as Youth Forum.

Youth Forum Zimbabwe

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