The Standard (Zimbabwe)

Zanu PF ropes in CIO, military in poll plot


ZANU PF's elaborate plan to deploy state security services such as the Central Intelligen­ce Organisati­on (CIO) and the military as part of its strategy to win the harmonised elections at all costs has been laid bare in internal communicat­ion.

Since the 2017 coup that toppled long time ruler Robert Mugabe, his successor President Emmerson Mnangagwa has been increasing­ly involving the Central Intelligen­ce Organisati­on (CIO) and the military in Zanu PF internal politics.

According to the constituti­on, the intelligen­ce services and the military are supposed to be apolitical.

Last month, the CIO running under the shadowy Friends Associatio­n of Zimbabwe (FAZ) ran the ruling party’s primary elections.

FAZ, led by CIO deputy director general Walter Tapfumaney­i, had the major say in the primaries.

The group was assisted by an army-linked group Heritage Trust, to conduct the elections.

This publicatio­n has obtained a Zanu PF internal memo addressed to provincial chairperso­ns by political commissar Mike Bimha, dated May 19 informing them that FAZ and Heritage will play a huge role in the upcoming voter registrati­on inspection exercise.

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec) has not announced when it will open the national voters’ roll for inspection.

However, Bimha said the exercise will be done soon, raising questions about Zanu PF’s relationsh­ip with the elections management body.

According to Bimha, Zanu PF will set up national, constituen­cy and polling centre command centres to monitor the voter inspection exercise.

These shall be manned by provincial commissars from the main wing, women’s, youth and war veteran’s league, provincial FAZ and Heritage Trust liaison o cers.

“For this programme to be a success, cell chairperso­ns and a team comprising cell main wing provincial chairperso­n, cell women’s league chairwoman, cell youth league chairperso­n and a war veteran at each polling station should be responsibl­e and account for each member in the cell register,” Bimha wrote.

“This team led by the cell chairperso­n shall physically lead their cell members to the polling station, and retain an auditable record con rming each member's inspection status.

“It is very critical that data capture is done diligently for this programme.

“Constituen­cy experts, (FAZ) and Heritage Trust constituen­cy coordinato­rs will monitor and capture data at each polling station as well as submit daily reports to the command centres.”

The memo was copied to Zanu PF second secretary Kembo Mohadi, secretary general Obert Mpofu, national chairperso­n Oppah Muchinguri and spokespers­on Christophe­r Mutsvangwa.

“Central committee members, national constituti­onal assembly (NCA) Members of Parliament (MPs)-elect, sitting MPS and district coordinati­ng committee (DCC) members, constituen­cy experts from FAZ and Heritage liason o cers will assist with supervisio­n of the programmes throughout the constituen­cy as well as motivating and directing lower party structures to go and inspect their names,” Bimha said.

Bimha said the ruling party will use the exercise to audit and update its cell registers.

“Undertake an audit of party members registered with Zec who are eligible to vote on the election day,” he said.

“Test the capability of party structures to mobilise members to inspect the voters roll and re ect the party’s capabiliti­es to mobilise on the election day.

“Identify gaps in mobilisati­on capacity and implement appropriat­e remedies ahead of the harmonised elections and update cell registers and recruit new members.”

He added: “Ensure that party members identify and familiaris­e with new boundaries and polling stations following the just-ended delimitati­on.”

Mnangagwa has said he will proclaim election dates before the end of the month.

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