The Standard (Zimbabwe)

The unpatrioti­c cabal is damaging Zim

- BY DOCTOR STOP IT Munopengaa­aaa! Gushungo chete chete Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake) Tawanda Majoni writes in his personal capacity and can be contacted on majonitt@

My Dear People. The euphoric celebratio­ns of the 2017 coup in which the telescopic foresighte­d Gushungo was kicked out of power has turned into mourning as Ngwena continues to demonstrat­e that his coup gangstas and democracy are like oil and water, they don’t mix.

The Criminal Law (Codi cation and Reform) Amendment Bill, popularly known as the Criminal Code, sailed through the National Assembly on Tuesday night with the new provisions seeking to criminalis­e citizens found guilty of “wilfully damaging the sovereignt­y and national interest of Zimbabwe”.

In other words anyone who criticises catastroph­ic leadership failure of Ngwena’s regime outside the country’s borders could even face the death penalty.

Munopenga!!! Gushungo had many critics but never in his 37 years of wisdom imbued leadership would he have come up with a law that is not only draconian, but also desperatel­y irrational.

This can only strengthen the belief that the oppressive Ian Smith regime was not nearly as bad as the current probity and democracy de cient Lacoste leadership that is a by word of atrocious governance.

By the way this is the same cabal that is seeking to criminalis­e the employment of Zimbabwean workers by other countries and has bizarrely criminalis­ed strikes by health workers in a blatant violation of the constituti­on.

That this dispensati­on of darkness, poverty and confusion is focusing on weaponisat­ion of the law at a time the economic crisis is deepening characteri­sed by a rapid loss in value of the Zimbabwe dollar and frequent power outages that has crippled production shows why the coup will always be a dark era in the history of this nation.

It is laughable that this is occurring at a time when Ngwena has pledged reforms to developmen­t partners and creditors to resolve the debt burden and end sanctions.

African Developmen­t Bank president Akinwumi Adesina and former Mozambican president Joachim Chissano who are spearheadi­ng the e ort to extricate the country out of its quagmire, might as well pack up and abandon the talks before their reputation­s are soiled by a regime to whom the words reforms and democracy are complete strangers.

The in ghting in Zanu PF, in the aftermath of the circus that was the primary elections, shows that the house that Ngwena built on the foundation of guns and tanks is falling apart faster than you can say Lacoste kkkk.

The orders by the octogenari­an leader to Zanu PF supporters to close ranks after divisive primary elections are falling on deaf ears.

That Zanu-PF supporters are planning to vote against ruling party candidates that were allegedly imposed during primary elections held in March illustrate­s how the party has disintegra­ted without Gushungo’s calm and wise direction.

At one meeting in Mashonalan­d East the utterances of one Thebe, sent to unite riled supporters, had the opposite e ect of adding fuel to the re.

”What I am saying is, I have been sent by the party; you can accept or reject that, I don’t care,”Thebe said.

One of the speakers at the meeting even had the audacity of saying that by rejecting the candidate foisted upon them, they were rejecting Ngwena.

Goodness me, from which hole does Ngwena dig up such characters?

Unsurprisi­ngly the meeting ended prematurel­y.

The Lacoste gang are so used to threats and rigging that they now use it even on party members. Indeed, with such leaders who needs detractors?

The threat by Ngwena to ban the use of foreign currency in the country was comical as it was lame.

In an interview with a magazine, Ngwena threatened to remove the use of foreign currency and remain with just the local currency as the sole legal tender in order to promote the use of the local currency.

With more than 75% of transactio­ns in the country being conducted in hard currency, Ngwena’s de ant tone is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

The Lacoste leader tried this in 2019 with the disastrous result of in ation skyrocketi­ng to nearly 1000% before he sheepishly restored the multi-currency regime.

Ngwena wasted the opportunit­y to lay out a coherent plan to restore the economy choosing instead to spew hogwash that had few takers, if any.

Similarly, we had Finance minister Mthuli acting like a bull in a china shop as he moved around shops in Bulawayo spitting venom about undiscipli­ned retailers and tearing down notices of sales being strictly in hard currency.

One hopes he also passed through the shop of his colleague in government who is selling his goods using parallel market rates in the same city.

Instead of threatenin­g retailers cowboy style, the bespectacl­ed nutty professor should be burning the midnight oil coming up with comprehens­ive solutions which include putting an end to the tomfoolery of manipulati­ng the exchange rate.

So Ngwena has nally announced August 23 as the election date after a false start in which he had promised to announce the date on Monday last week and like many other electoral promises he has made, failed to deliver on the day.

The announceme­nt must have brought about the gnashing and grinding of teeth in the MDC-T camp led by the clueless opportunis­t Douglas Mwonzora who has tried in vain to have the polls postponed.

These elections will deservedly send them to the political dustbin, where they belong. Besides, it’s clear that doing so always has both the potential and reality to spook voters. That’s what you call voter intimidati­on and voter intimidati­on doesn’t give you free, fair and credible election results.

How are you going to feel if a stranger will suddenly call just to say hi and then reminds you to register to vote, for Zanu PF? For this is what the Faz strategic plan is saying.

The Faz volunteers are running deep, down to the household, especially in rural areas. If they won’t be a nuisance to a nonZanu PF supporter, they are definitely going to be scary intruders.

Besides, as the reports indicate, these Faz blokes are mapping out supporters of the opposition — to mean CCC.

It won’t make sense to expend time and resources on people who don’t like you.

This, therefore, means, there is a sinister motive for doing so.

One thing that’s abundantly obvious about the Faz campaign is that it essentiall­y aims to map voter tendencies and patterns so that this informatio­n will be used to inform Zanu PF responses before and during the elections.

During the elections is particular­ly worrying because the informatio­n can be abused. Just get wild with your imaginatio­n.

What do you think they will do in those cases that they would have seen that Zanu PF is unpopular in certain wards and constituen­cies?

Clue: these guys will do anything and everything to ensure a Zanu PF win.

 ?? ?? More than 75% of transactio­ns in the country being conducted in hard currency,
More than 75% of transactio­ns in the country being conducted in hard currency,
 ?? ??

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