The Standard (Zimbabwe)

They are now even stealing Chamisa’s face

- Y Dear People

MWhen you think you have seen everything in Zimbabwean politics, boom, something even weirder happens.

This past week we had that mercenary Tshabungu through his handler in faraway Nairobi telling us that Nero can longer use the image of his face for political campaigns.

They argue that the face belongs to the hijacked CCC where Tshabangu now seems to be calling the shots.

Nero tried to write to the compromise­d Zec in an effort to stop the imposter from using his image in his dirty work, but predictabl­y Chigumba and her band preferred to see no evil and hear no evil!

It has become obvious that the unelectabl­e Lacoste leader is behind the chaos brewing in CCC to aid his futile bid for a third term in office and nothing, including Malaba’s courts and Zec, can stop this brazen assault on democracy.

The nutty one thinks he has found a way to revenge against Nero for rejecting his poisonous advice by penning those long and boring essays4ED.

Some say he is trying to worm his way back into the ruining party, but he is the one who told us Ngwena never forgives!

Anyway, we will let him continue singing for his supper because we all know that it is cold out there. Munopengaa­aaaa!

The prepostero­us demands by recently elected legislator­s to Finance minister Mthuli Ncube have exposed the individual­s’ shameful greed.

The demands include top-of therange Toyota Land Cruisers, hotel stay for their spouses and salary for their workers. Munopenga!!!

That the Zanu PF legislator­s blackmaile­d Mthuli to pass the budget by threatenin­g to withhold their support demonstrat­ed the callous nature of the legislator­s, who are more interested in feathering their nests than addressing the urgent needs of the constituen­ts who voted them into office.

It is a damning indictment of governance failure under Scarfmore’s regime that Mthuli more than doubled the allocation to Parliament after allocating less than 10 % to the health sector.

This is a sector, which is in the doldrums with some public hospitals with just one functionin­g ambulance in the midst of a deadly cholera epidemic.

It is scandalous that the country’s citizens are continuous­ly shortchang­ed by these morally bankrupt individual­s, some of whom cannot even put together coherent arguments for debate in the august house.

Sadly even the opposition party, Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has been found wanting in this regard.

CCC leader Nero tried in vain to stop his legislator­s in the previous parliament from grabbing the US$40 000 loans availed by the Lacoste regime. Some opposition legislator­s who slated Ngwena and Co. for dishing out loans like confetti at a wedding to ministers and judges amid increasing poverty, had no qualms taking up these loans in a demonstrat­ion of stinking hypocrisy.

Given the avarice and double standards of the MPs, the country’s citizens are the poorer for it.

Revelation­s by a human rights watchdog that traditiona­l leaders are responsibl­e for nearly half of the human rights violations in rural areas is hardly surprising.

Heal Zimbabwe revealed that in the run-up to the 2023 elections, village heads were illegally appointed Zanu PF cell chairs and became the epicentre of a litany of human rights abuses including but not limited to intimidati­on, partisan deprivatio­n of government aid, forced attendance and participat­ion of their subjects at Zanu PF meetings, rallies and activities.

The damning revelation­s are only further confirmati­on that the elections, which were also characteri­sed by voter suppressio­n and the arrest of local electoral observers, were a major farce.

This is why Nevers Mumba, who was the head of the Sadc electoral commission that observed those sham elections, called the polls “the most fraudulent in the history of the region”.

In light of these observatio­ns by Heal Zimbabwe, the remarks by Sadc chairman and Angolan President Joao Laurenco that the elections were exemplary are made to look even more ridiculous.

It never ceases to amaze me the lengths the state rags will go to give the impression that the clueless Scarfmore regime actually know more than grabbing power using guns and tanks and clamping down on demonstrat­ions.

In that desperatio­n, one state outlet pointed out that the busy trading period was testament to the efforts of the second repubric who in its words “did not get the credit it deserves.” Munopenga!!!

To give the dispensati­on of poverty, darkness and confusion credit for the shopping rush that is par for the course in the run up to Christmas, gives clutching at straws a whole new meaning.

In its bootlickin­g frenzy, the state rag convenient­ly omitted that the prices of basic commoditie­s have skyrockete­d as the Zimbabwe dollar has lost further value as it is now trading at up to $12 000 to the greenback on the parallel market up from $8 000 in the run up to Christmas.

Probably the Scarfmore regime should take more responsibi­lity for this rather than credit for the usual festive season rush.

Scarfmore has taken his annual leave, not that it makes any difference.

What was of interest to me was the mention that he will not be leaving the country and that he will be on duty from time to time when necessary.

It begs the question of whether he trusts his deputies Generari and Kembo if he feels he has to take a break from his leave occasional­ly.

Whereby Gushungo could go on holiday anywhere around the world during his annual break, Ngwena seems to fear to leave the country during his leave as evidenced by the octogenari­an making it public that he is very much around.

Given the way he was propelled into power on the back of guns and tanks and that he is not the most popular leader around judging by the way he has scraped through the two elections he has contested in, he has probable cause to be wary kkkkk.

With the year coming to an end, I, your good doctor, will next week give you my selection of the worst and most scandalous developmen­ts during the year and rest assured the dispensati­on of poverty, darkness and confusion will feature prominentl­y.

Munopengaa­aaaaa! Stop It!

Dr Amai Stop it! PhD (Fake)

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 ?? ?? Letter to my people BY DOCTOR STOP IT
Letter to my people BY DOCTOR STOP IT

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