The Standard (Zimbabwe)

Young Hondo insists Holy Ten 'stole' his lyrics

- By NyaSha GoRoGodo

The plagiarism scandal rocking Zimbabwe's hip-hop scene has taken a dramatic turn, with Young hondo firing back at holy Ten's accusation­s of cloutchasi­ng and claiming the award winning rapper directly pilfered his lyrics.

holy Ten and Young hondo, found themselves locked in a lyrical brawl. It wasn't a clash of styles or egos, but a war of words: a plagiarism scandal that discredite­d holy Ten's lyricism.

Voltz JT shared a song done in 2020 by Young hondo, a Zimbabwean student based in Canada, with the lyrics "I really have to make this clear to the women I met this year. If you dare to call me bae, then you gonna make things a bit weird. We don't do that here."

Fans noticed a chilling similarity with a line from holy Ten's song "We Don't Do That Here," released recently.

Social media erupted. Accusation­s of plagiarism flew, pitting fans against each other. Some defended holy Ten, claiming hondo was a mere copycat. Others championed hondo, the underdog.

The Delilah hit maker went on to share an old video of himself singing to the lyrics of the song in question.

holy Ten on the Denny J show said Young hondo had stolen his song instead.

Young hondo went on to refute holy Ten's sentiments on the podcast.

"I haven't watched the podcast, I have people who have told me about it. he said I'm chasing clout but that's not it, the clout he talks about and the one I have it's different. In my space, holy Ten is a nobody, we from different worlds. I have my own fans here (Canada) and he has his own," he said.

"I did that song back then when I was still in Zimbabwe and

I sent the link to many people including holy Ten and his manager back then. I was surprised to find out that my song was now being used by the same person I had sent it to. I have files that show that I recorded that song in 2020."

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