The Standard (Zimbabwe)

Zanu PF ssures widen over Mnangagwa term


PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa is battling to prop up waning support in his ruling Zanu PF party and disloyal party cadres are facing the axe as power battles take centre stage while the economy implodes and ordinary citizens sink into poverty.

Party members aligned to Mnangagwa ‘sdeputy Constantin­o Chiwenga are said to be manoeuvrin­g to disrupt Mnangagwa’s push for a third term bid.

This pubication is reliably informed that Zanu PF factionali­sm had cascaded down to the lower echelons of the party, the cells, ahead of a restructur­ing exercise.

As the factional wars spiral out of control, the Zanu PF commissari­at was forced to stop the district coordinati­ng committee elections which are due this year amid reports that members aligned to Chiwenga were strategica­lly positionin­g themselves for in uential party posts and to stop Mnangagwa’s third term bid.

Zanu PF enjoys a two-thirds majority in Parliament to railroad legislatio­n, but Mnangagwa would still need a national referendum to make constituti­onal changes to allow a third term.

Mnangagwa has this year alone red two of his lieutenant­s — former War Veterans minister Christophe­r Mutsvangwa and Airforce of Zimbabwe boss Elson Moyo - reportedly over their questioned loyalty to him.

Moyo was red on Friday after Mnangagwa aborted his trip to Victoria Falls following a bomb scare at the resort city's airports.

Moyo’s dismissal raised eyebrows as Mnangagwa was quick to name his successor Air Vice Marshal John Jacob Nzvede on the same day he announced that he was retiring.

Mnangagwa last week rallied party organs to step up and emulate the youth league that pledged their allegiance to the Zanu PF leader for his third term bid during the National Youth Day celebratio­ns held in Masvingo last month.

The youth uexposed Mnangagwa’s third term bid through the slogan, ‘2030 VaMnangagw­a vanenge vachipo (Mnangagwa will still be in ofce by 2030).

Addressing the Zanu PF politburo last Thursday, Mnangagwa showered praises on the youth for their “clarity of intentions”.

He told the senior party members that he was looking forward to o ciating at events by party organs where they would be expected to follow in the footsteps of the youth league.

“I was pleased to receive and address the multitudes of our youths in Masvingo province as we celebrated the National Youth Day,”Mnangagwa said.

He also urged senior party leaders to guide the youth in accordance with the party constituti­on.

“I also remind the youth of our party to be alive to the founding provisions of the party constituti­on, values of hard work, honesty, discipline, patriotism and loyalty,” Mnangagwa said.

“I am now looking forward to o ciating at programmes by the women’s league, veterans of the liberation struggle and a liates.

“Where are they ... [war veterans league secretary] Mahiya? Have you seen how others performed in excellence?” Mnangagwa said, to which war veterans secretary Douglas Mahiya responded by pledging not to disappoint.

Close Mnangagwa allies told The Standard that the president was increasing­ly becoming suspicious of acts to sabotage against him and they cited incidents where he has shown agitation in public.

Last Thursday, an angry Mnangagwa chastised his aides over a bad national anthem recording during an event where he was handing over vehicles to chiefs.

Later on the same day, Mnangagwa could not hide his frustratio­n against his lieutenant­s over an omitted word in his speech during a politburo meeting.

“I think I have left something here? Hey, imi vapfana imi (you young men),” he said after he had noted the error in his speech.

As factional ghts within the party threaten to rip the party apart, elected Zanu PF representa­tives aligned to Mnangagwa have also scaled up campaigns in their constituen­cies to strengthen support towards the Zanu PF leader.

His allies are handing out goodies to party supporters, mainly basic commoditie­s such as mealie meal, cooking oil, our and rice which are branded with Mnangagwa’s face as they strive to prove their loyalty to the Zanu PF leader.

Analysts yesterday accused Mnangagwa of plotting a constituti­onal coup.

Political analyst Sydicks Muradzikwa said concentrat­ing power in the hands of a single individual was underminin­g democratic processes.

“This is weakening the democratic institutio­ns and further eroding checks and balances, and sti

ing political pluralism and dissent,” Muradzikwa said.

“This bid barely six months after the elections, much of the political energy should be directed on realising the manifesto subjects and not the 2028 bid.

“Such actions might provoke public unrest; the economic impact of political instabilit­y resulting from attempts to extend term limits can be severe, with investors becoming hesitant to commit resources to a country embroiled in political uncertaint­y.”

Muradzikwa said Mnangagwa risked pushing Zimbabwe into internatio­nal isolation.

“Internatio­nal condemnati­on and diplomatic isolation often might follow such attempts, as the global community tends to support democratic norms and principles,” he said.

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