The Standard (Zimbabwe)

War vets bay for minister’s blood


WAR veterans are demanding the axing of Matabelela­nd North Provincial A airs minister Richard Moyo over a basket of charges that include disrespect­ing the Zanu PF leadership.

Moyo, who is also the Zanu PF Matabelela­nd North provincial chairperso­n, is accused of costing the party crucial votes in the disputed August 2023 elections.

Ruling party sources said Moyo and his counterpar­ts Kazembe Kazembe and Mangaliso Ndlovu are also in a dilemma as they risk losing some of their in uential posts.

Kazembe, the Mashonalan­d Central provincial chairperso­n, also doubles up as Home A airs minister.

Ndlovu presides over the Industry and Commerce ministry and is also the Matabelela­nd South chairperso­n.

Sources said President Emmerson Emmerson Mnangagwa summoned the trio recently where he spoke about how they should balance their government and party duties.

This follows a letter of complaint where Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Associatio­n (ZNLWVA) members in Matabelela­nd North complained against Moyo’s leadership style.

“Zanu PF has lost leadership that has the spirit of unity, peace and developmen­t in Matabelela­nd North,” reads in part the letter of complaint signed by ZNLWVA Matabelela­nd North secretary for administra­tion Albert Ncube and addressed to the Zanu PF leadership.

“Looking at the August 2023 elections we lost crucial seats to the opposition due to the current leadership of Honourable Richard Moyo.

“He created a lot of confusion and disunity that gave birth to disgruntle­d party members vowing not to vote for the party, and the result speaks volumes.

“Cde R Moyo accused war veterans and the national secretary-general (Obert Mpofu) of not voting for the party Zanu PF; to us as warveteran­s it was an insult.

“Cde R Moyo disregarde­d the role played by our national SG in the top leadership calling him a fake war veteran and not acknowledg­ing that Dr O. M. Mpofu is the secretary general of the party Zanu PF.”

Moyo was appointed provincial minister in 2017 having been Zanu PF chairperso­n of the province since 2012.

In 2018, Zanu PF won eight out of 13 parliament­ary seats in Matabelela­nd North compared to only six in last year’s elections.

An analysis of the results shows that the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) made inroads even in constituen­cies where it lost to the ruling party.

“This continued post elections causing disorder amongst the province Matabelela­nd

North where Cde Richard Moyo is attacking war veterans openly and not respecting senior leadership of the province,” the letter added.

“As the war veterans in the province, we are the bedrock of the party and we cannot sit down and watch the party crumble.”

Moyo refused to comment on the claims when contacted for comment yesterday.

“Go back to the war veterans for a comment,” he said before terminatin­g the call.

The war veterans said they had tried to engage Moyo without success.

“Being a Member of Parliament (Umguza), minister and provincial chairman has made Cde R Moyo see himself as untouchabl­e and above everyone,” the ex-combatants said.

“Zanu PF Matabelela­nd North is in shambles because of his poor leadership skills.

“In conclusion, as Matabelela­nd North war veterans league, we demand an urgent attention to this matter.

“He (Cde. R Moyo) has to be brought to order as we cannot continue under his leadership in the province.”

Zanu PF political commissar Mike Bimha and Mpofu were not reachable for comment.

Moyo is alleged to have recently resettled some Zanu PF youths in the timber and wildlife rich Emmergroon Estate in the Gwayi area in the province where the ex-combatants have some A1 plots.

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