The Standard (Zimbabwe)

We need restoratio­n of economic confidence not new currency


ActionAid Zimbabwe stands firm in its commitment to the economic well-being of Zimbabwean­s. We have closely monitored the recent announceme­nt regarding the introducti­on of the new structured currency called Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) with deep concern.

While the initiative may be presented as a solution to Zimbabwe’s economic challenges, we believe that what Zimbabwean­s truly need is the restoratio­n of confidence in the economy, not the introducti­on of yet another currency.

For years, Zimbabwe has grappled with the consequenc­es of currency instabilit­y. We have witnessed the introducti­on of various currencies, each accompanie­d by promises of economic recovery.

However, the reality on the ground has often fallen short of these promises, leaving Zimbabwean­s vulnerable to economic uncertaint­y and hardship.

The introducti­on of the ZiG currency risks repeating the mistakes of the past. Instead of addressing the root causes of our economic challenges, it offers a temporary fix that fails to inspire confidence among Zimbabwean­s.

We believe that true economic recovery can only be achieved through comprehens­ive reforms that address issues such as corruption, mismanagem­ent, and lack of transparen­cy.

ActionAid Zimbabwe calls on the government to prioritise measures that will rebuild trust in the economy.

This includes fostering an environmen­t that is conducive to investment, promoting accountabi­lity and good governance, and prioritisi­ng the needs of ordinary Zimbabwean­s.

We urge policymake­rs to engage in meaningful dialogue with stakeholde­rs from all sectors of society to develop sustainabl­e solutions that will benefit the entire nation.

As an organisati­on dedicated to social justice and poverty eradicatio­n, ActionAid Zimbabwe remains committed to advocating for the rights and interests of the most vulnerable members of our society.

We will continue to monitor developmen­ts related to the ZiG currency and will work tirelessly to ensure that the voices of ordinary Zimbabwean­s are heard, and their concerns addressed.

We reiterate that what Zimbabwean­s need is not just a new currency, but a fundamenta­l shift towards a more inclusive and equitable economy.

Only through genuine reform and commitment to the well-being of all citizens can we truly build a prosperous future for Zimbabwe. ActionAid Zimbabwe

 ?? ?? Government should prioritise measures that rebuild trust in the economy
Government should prioritise measures that rebuild trust in the economy

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