The Standard (Zimbabwe)

Post Insurance Mr Pace marathon purse increases


THE Post Insurance Mr. Pace half marathon is set to grow bigger this year after sponsors Zimpost and their partners Nicoz Diamond, Global Risk Underwriti­ng Managers (GRUMA) and ZINARA decided to double the purse from US$10 000 to US$20 000 for the third edition of the annual event which takes place next month.

Zimpost launched its post insurance 2024 promotions at the Harare Main Post Office on Friday.

Apart from the Post Insurance Mr Pace half marathon, two other promotions launched by the Zimpost and their partners include the Post Insurance Ensure, Licence and Win as well as Post Insurance Staff promotions.

Held in partnershi­p with Mr. Pace Athletics Club, the half marathon carries the theme: Mental Wellness, and will take place on May 18 at the National Sports Stadium B Arena and will be held under the theme: Fighting drug abuse through sport.

“It is an honour and privilege to address you today on this auspicious occasion where we are gathered to launch the 2024 post insurance promotions. I acknowledg­e and appreciate all our strategic partners Nicoz Diamond, Global Risk Underwriti­ng Managers (GRUMA) Zinara and MR. Pace Athletics Club for partnering with Zimpost for these promotions,” Zimpost postmaster general Maxwell Chitendeni said.

“The three post insurance promotions that we are officially launching are Post Insurance Mr. Pace Marathon, Post Insurance Ensure Licence and Win promotion and the last one is Post Insurance

Staff promotions. These promotions are aimed at rewarding both the employees as well as valued clients,” he said.

Mr. Pace Athletics Club was pleased to team up with Zimpost and other partners in organizing the third edition of the event.

“As Mr. Pace we are proud partners of Zimpost and we are again organizing the third edition of the Post Insurance Road Race which is continuing to grow bigger and bigger. I want to thank our partners for continuing to sow in what we are doing. Athletes will be competing in a 21km road race where we will be awarding prizes to the top five,” he said.

There will also be competitio­n in the following categories: veteran master; great grand master; junior; wheelchair; 5km run walk; and the 1km diplomatic race.

Arenel Movers ......... (1)2 Bikita Minerals ........ (1)1

ARENEL Movers bagged their rst maximum points of the season after beating an exciting Bikita Minerals at Luveve Stadium yesterday.

Brian Ngwenya scored the rst Arenel Movers goal at home, since they were promoted to the Premier League after nine minutes of action before Dennis Nhongo equalised for the visitors on the 20 minute mark.

Substitute Johanne Ngwenya scored the winning goal after 68 minutes.

A few moments after the resumption of the second half, Carlos Makambira thought he had thrust Bikita into the lead, but his e ort was ruled out for an infringeme­nt on goalkeeper Ngwenya.

Chaminuka thought that the decision changed the outcome of the match. "We scored a very good goal. I don't know why (it was disallowed).

That goal was the turning point of this game," said the former Black Rhinos ga er.

However, Arenel coach Farai Tawachera thought otherwise "I saw my goalkeeper going for the cross and there was an infringeme­nt. Sometimes they are given and sometimes they are let go. So for me, I would say there was an infringeme­nt," said Tawachera.

In Chisumbanj­e, GreenFuel caused a major upset after they beat defending champions Ngezi Platinum Stars 2 – 1, thanks to goals from veteran striker Donald Ngoma and James Nguluve.

Visitors’ defender Polite Moyo cancelled out Ngoma’s opener before Nguluve restored the hosts’ lead in the rst half.


*FC Platinum 1-0 CAPS United (abandoned)

Green Fuel 2-1 Ngezi Platinum Yadah 1-2 Simba Bhora Arenel 2-1 Bikita Minerals *ZPC Kariba 1-2 Herentals

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