The Standard (Zimbabwe)

Embracing reduction and readiness: A call to action for veld fire management and wetland conservati­on


AS we observe National Fire Week in Zimbabwe, we are starkly reminded of the devastatin­g impact of veld res on our environmen­t, economy, and communitie­s.

The upcoming 15th Meeting of the Conference of the Contractin­g Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (COP15) presents a timely opportunit­y to highlight the critical link between veld

re management and wetland conservati­on. Wetlands, essential ecosystems supporting biodiversi­ty and human well-being, are vulnerable to the devastatin­g impacts of veld res.

The statistics are alarming. Over two million hectares of vegetation (open source data) are affected annually by veld res in Zimbabwe, exacerbati­ng deforestat­ion and forest degradatio­n.

The consequenc­es are far-reaching, with veld res destroying wetland vegetation and habitats, altering water cycles, increasing sedimentat­ion, and threatenin­g human livelihood­s. The impact on biodiversi­ty is equally concerning, with many species facing extinction due to habitat loss and fragmentat­ion.

Climate change further complicate­s the issue, as rising temperatur­es and changing rainfall patterns create ideal conditions for veld res to spread rapidly. The vulnerable population­s, including women and children, are disproport­ionately a ected by veld res, which can lead to loss of life, injury, and displaceme­nt.

Given Zimbabwe's limited capacity for response and suppressio­n, reduction and readiness are critical in veld re management. The Million Fire Beaters Initiative is a commendabl­e e ort towards promoting community awareness and equipping farmers and communitie­s with tools and knowledge to prevent and respond to res. However, funding remains a signi cant challenge, hindering e ective re management.

Technology can play a vital role in enhancing veld re management in Zimbabwe. Drones equipped with infrared sensors can detect res early, enabling swift response and minimizati­on of damage. Satellite imaging can monitor reprone areas, identify hotspots, and track the spread of res. Mobile applicatio­ns can disseminat­e critical informatio­n and alerts to communitie­s, farmers, and re ghters. By leveraging technology, we can improve our preparedne­ss, response, and management of veld res.

Zimbabwe has committed to reducing burnt area to 500,000ha annually through its national determined contributi­ons (NDCs). Achieving this target will not only mitigate the impact of veld res on our environmen­t and communitie­s but also reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an estimated 10 million tons of CO2 equivalent annually. This reduction in emissions will contribute signi cantly to Zimbabwe's efforts to combat climate change and achieve its NDCs.

GEF projects can play a vital role in supporting veld re management in Zimbabwe. By incorporat­ing re management components into their projects, GEF can help mitigate the impact of veld res on biodiversi­ty and ecosystems. Assessing re risk, integratin­g re management activities, and incorporat­ing community awareness campaigns can help reduce the incidence and spread of veld res.

The SDGs are equally relevant in this context. Uncontroll­ed veld res directly impact SDGs 13, 15, and 7, highlighti­ng the need for sustainabl­e forest management, biodiversi­ty conservati­on, and climate action. By addressing veld

res, we can contribute to achieving these SDGs and ensuring a sustainabl­e future for Zimbabwe and its people.

In conclusion, veld res pose a signi cant threat to Zimbabwe's environmen­t, economy, and people. By adopting a holistic approach to re management, investing in community engagement and capacity building, and exploring innovative funding mechanisms and technologi­cal solutions, we can mitigate the impact of veld res and protect our natural resources. Let us work together to combat veld res, protect our wetlands, and ensure a sustainabl­e future for Zimbabwe and its people.

Fire ght Trust Contact us: +2637723279­81



info@ re

Let's work together to prevent and respond to veld res!

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