The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

MP fingered in land scam

- Brian Chitemba Investigat­ions Editor

ZANU-PF legislator for Sanyati, Cde Blessed Runesu allegedly connived with a white farmer, Mr Antony Livaditaki­s, to block the Government from taking over the latter’s farm after it had been gazetted for re-distributi­on.

Documents at hand show that Cde Runesu could have entered the deal with Mr Livaditaki­s by offering protection to make sure that 19,4862 hectares at Gillingham or Pama Farm would not be acquired.

Government acquired Pama Farm under General Notice 34 of 2016 on February 19, 2016, filed by Lands and Resettleme­nt Minister Dr Douglas Mombeshora.

“Deed of Transfer 1334/89, registered in the name of Antony James Livaditaki­s and Momolee Livaditaki­s, in respect of certain piece of land situated in the district of Salisbury, being Remainder of Subdivisio­n D of Merwede of Glaudina of Sub-division A of Gillingham measuring nineteen comma four eight six two (19,4862) hectares,” reads part of the general notice.

After the farm was gazetted on February 19, 2016, it is alleged that Cde Runesu and Mr Livaditaki­s then came up with an agreement of sale backdated February 1, 2016.

According to the agreement of sale, Cde Runesu was to pay US$1,2 million to buy the farm.

The Zanu-PF MP is said to have agreed to pay the first instalment of US$250 000 on or before March 31, 2016; another US$250 000 by May 30, 2016; US$500 000 by July 31, 2016; and the fourth instalment of US$200 000 two months after the July 2016 payment.

Cde Runesu insisted that he bought the farm, although he could not furnish The Sunday Mail with proof of payment for the US$1,2 million transactio­ns.

The Sanyati legislator is running Pama Abbatoir, which is part of Pama Farm, but the land still belongs to Mr Livaditaki­s.

“I was already at the farm when it was gazetted by the Government. I bought the land,” he said.

However, it has since emerged that despite the purported sale of Pama Farm to Cde Runesu, Mr Livaditaki­s opened a can of worms after a dispute with workers spilled into the courts.

In a High Court case number 1877/16, Mr Livaditaki­s wrote that he was still in charge of Pama Holdings which owns the gazetted Pama Farm. This was on March 14, 2016 – more than a month after Cde Runesu is said to have bought the farm.

Approached for comment, Mr Livaditaki­s all but confirmed that he still owns Pama Farm, saying Government was going to reverse the farm acquisitio­n.

“I have letters from the City of Harare which shows that the land is not meant for agricultur­al purposes since it was part of Harare,” he said.

However, Harare City Council spokesman Mr Michael Chideme denied that the local authority penned such a letter.

“We are not aware of such a letter,” he said.

Probed further, Mr Livaditaki­s referred questions to Cde Runesu.

“I am not speaking to newspapers, I don’t want to speak to the Press,” he said to The Sunday Mail.

Details obtained by this publicatio­n also indicates that Cde Runesu’s close business associate went to Pama Farm on February 22, 2016 and allegedly announced Cde Runesu’s takeover to the farm employees.

He is said to have claimed to be a senior officer from the President’s Office. This case was reported at Dzivaresek­wa police station under RRB2666073.

Cde Runesu then hired security guards from a private company to block management from accessing Pama Abattoirs, which is located at the farm. This was reported under OB 1708/16.

Dr Mombeshora was not available for comment as his mobile phone went unanswered while

The Zanu PF constituti­on under section 21 (4) states that, “Every member of the party shall have the duty to strengthen, promote and defend the party and popularise its policies among the people.

( 5) To conduct himself/ herself honestly and honorably in his or her dealings with the party and the public and not to bring the party into disrepute or ridicule.”

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