The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

Pastors preach HIV awareness

ARE you tired of chasing after pastors and prophets seeking spiritual help for your “perennial problem” that just won’t go away?

- Fatima Bulla

LOOK no further, there is a book that could point you in the right direction.

A book by New Life Covenant Church co-founder, pastor Chichi Bismark titled “The Altaring Lifestyle” provides strategies for your salvation through building a powerful prayer relationsh­ip with God.

Published by Tudor Bismark Ministries, “The Altaring Lifestyle (2016)” discourage­s believers from quickly rushing to fellow humans for help. lnstead, it encourages building personal altars.

In the thought provoking book, pastor Bismark defines righteous and evil altars and also looks at why it is necessary to altar. She tackles how to begin an altering lifestyle and also classifies types of altars.

“Our altar should simply be a place that we dedicate and consecrate to God... Today an altar is simply a place of contact with our God. It is a particular place at a particular time of day when and where a child of God meets with his or her Maker,” she writes.

In the prayet strategy book, the author says Christians ought to raise up counter-thrones or altars as the enemy raises thrones of evil in people’s lives, cities and nations.

While the original idea of altars was a meeting point with God, the author elaborates in this informativ­e book how the devil and his agents have also taken the altar to work out evil in people’s lives.

Her writing also appeals to the imaginatio­n as she highlights the contrast between the evil and righteous world. She delves into how seriously the evil world takes sacrifices and vows made compared to most Christians who give into compromise and retire to a place of comfort.

Unrighteou­s altars, she states, have principles that govern them and ways in which intended people’s lives are hindered in the process. “It is at this place that tokens are given to demons so that they can afflict others. Sometimes it can be a piece of cloth, a chain, a scarf, a photograph or a belt. These tokens are given to altars to curse and bring harm to the intended target.”

Written in a simple and engaging narrative, the book goes on to highlight the effects of satanic altars.

Painting the spiritual world picture, the author states that through righteous or unrighteou­s sacrifices, the spiritual realm is like an auction market where power goes to the highest bidder.

“Along with our birth comes a familiar spirit. It is there to figure out your weaknesses and your failings and will work in your life to make sure that the weak stuff stays weak,” she writes.

Known as an intercesso­r and avid seeker of informatio­n, the author gives an example of how an altering life has given life to her youngest son of four, diagnosed with a heart problem at the age of 12.

“Bernstein my youngest son was supposed to need a heart transplant when he was 12 years old. We could not afford it and all our circumstan­ces pointed towards impossibil­ity. Long story short, Bernstein did not undergo surgery and he is now 22 years old. It took perseveran­ce in prayer.”

Not short of examples to enlighten the reader throughout the book, the author also gives instances for one to realise if there are unrighteou­s altars raised up against their life and how to cancel them.

“God has given us the ability to make choices, to exercise our will. However, our choices have consequenc­es. When we fail to choose the altering lifestyle to build righteous altars in our homes, workplaces, cities, etc, we leave a void that becomes fair game for the demonic system to legitimate­ly move in and build unrighteou­s altars.”

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