The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

The Status of Parents in Islam

- Umari Stambuli Holy Qur’aan Speaks

(Continued from last week)

THE Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) often stressed the importance and status of our parents.

A man once asked him: “Who is entitled to be treated with the best companions­hip by me?” He told him, “Your mother.” The man asked, “Who next?” The Prophet ( pbuh) replied, “Your mother.” Again the man asked, “Who next?” the Prophet (pbuh) replied, “Your mother”. When the man asked for a fourth time, “Who next?” the Prophet (pbuh) replied, “Your father” .

On one occasion a man came to Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) and said, “O Messenger of Allah, I am about to set out in an expedition and I want your advice.” Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) responded, “Is your mother alive?” “Yes”, the man answered. Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) said, “Ensure that you serve her, for truly paradise is at her feet.”

Similarly, a man once complained to Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) that his son was not supporting him financiall­y.

The Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) held the hand of the young man and placed it in the hand of the father and said to the young man: “You and your wealth belong to your father.”

In yet another of his most inspiring and wise teachings, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) declared “The father is the ‘central door’ for entry into the everlastin­g gardens of Paradise. So if you so wish you may destroy that ‘door’ or on the other hand you may safeguard that door.”

Due observance of respect and obedience to one’s father together with the fulfillmen­t of his rights at all times will ensure that one gains safe and secure entry into the Gardens of Paradise.

Word of caution Whilst obedience and respect to parents is of utmost importance, Allah Almighty declares in the Holy Qur’aan: “But if they strive to make you join others (people or things) in worship to Me … then do not obey them but (you should) still bear good companions­hip with them in this worldly life!” (Ch 31:15)

So only in the case where parents call upon their children to violate the commands of The Almighty, do they lose the right to be obeyed and respected. But even then they do not lose the right to be treated with kindness and compassion.

This is because, the requiremen­ts of The Almighty are supreme and cannot be over-ridden by an earthly creature – it would be a major transgress­ion against The Supreme Being and an unpardonab­le sin. But because of the bond of blood, the relation of the womb, etcetera. Allah Almighty insists that they still be treated by their off-spring in the best possible manner at all times.

Teenage liberation move

ment Sadly, with the progressio­n of time, there seems to be widespread inversion of the social order in human society.

The American author Robert Bly in “The Sibling Society” says the rock music of the 1950s and 1960s played an important role in the teenage liberation movement.

He writes: “The popular heroes of the late 1950s, James Dean, Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, etc, all took part in that struggle to loosen everyone up, and were loved for it …”Robert Bly was right.

However, rock music was but one of the factors that contribute­d to the teenage liberation mentality. The media all played their part in providing so- called role models to youths and make them rebellious.

They considered parents as backward and even stupid. This is the youth worshiping culture in which old people have no place.

The hatred by the young of everything old ( including old people), not because it is bad but because it is old, has resulted in chaos and anarchy.

Social disintegra­tion and deca- dence have reached levels where not only the bonds between the young and the old are destroyed, but all kinship ties and human relationsh­ips in general have been weakened to breaking point.

Sociologis­ts tell us that what the youth call teenage liberation is only liberation from parents and moral values. Those teenage youth are engaged in the blind following and imitation of the people of their age or their media “role models”.

Sadly those youth are shackled in the bonds of peer pressure, both mentally and physically

Law of the Circle of Life From the above, we should realise how important our parents are to us and that the physical and mental strength that we have today as grown up people is the result of the sacrifices our parents made for our sake. If we do not pay attention to the commandmen­t of The Almighty and we neglect our duty to our parents, we will suffer for our mistakes in this world as well as in the hereafter.

Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) said, which I consider as the Law of the circle of life, “If you do good to your fathers, your sons will do good to you.” We remind ourselves of what Allah Almighty declares in the Holy Qur’aan: “And your Lord has commanded that you worship none but Him, and that you be dutiful to your parents. If either one or both of them reach old age in your life, say not to them a word of disrespect, nor rebuke them, and speak to them with words of honour. And lower unto them the wing of submission and humility through mercy, and say: ‘My Lord! Bestow on them Your mercy, as they did bring me up when I was small.’” (Ch 17:23-24)

For further informatio­n on Islam or a free copy of the Holy Qur’aan, please contact: Majlisul Ulama Zimbabwe, Council of Islamic Scholars Publicatio­ns Department PO Box W93, Waterfalls, Harare Tel: +2634614078/+2634614004, Fax: +2634614003 e-mail:

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