The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

Paradise for adrenaline junkies

MOST people would rather stay in their comfort zones, away from dangerous activities that might bring them bodily harm or even death, but there are certain individual­s who have a compulsive desire for adventure.


THESE people who are addicted to the thrill of the adrenaline rush - adrenaline junkies - appear to have no regard for their own safety and are constantly partaking in dangerous activities. The resort town of Victoria Falls would be the perfect destinatio­n, paradise to be precise, for any thrill seeking adventurer as it boasts of many adrenaline pumping activities.

Adventure activities that include bungee jumping, white water rafting, river boarding, gorge swing, flying fox, zip line and the bridge swing, to name just a few, are available in the resort area.

While the majestic falls are the major attraction, drawing thousands of tourists from around the globe every year, the various adventures on offer add to the exciting experience.

Most of these activities have proven to be popular and despite the steep pricing, many people still take part.

Wild Horizons is among the major companies offering a wide range of adventure activities in Victoria Falls.

The Sunday Mail Leisure visited Wild Horizon’s Lookout Café, which overlooks the giant Batoka Gorge where some of these activities are done to see what the whole fuss is all about.

While the flying fox might seem like child’s play, it would still take a brave heart to take the running jump into thin air over the 200 meter wide and 120 meter deep gorge, soaring horizontal­ly through the air over the turmoil of the Zambezi below.

During the tour, two kids who might not have been older than 10 took the leap, but unsurprisi­ngly one grown man backed out on the last second, pointing out that he was not about to play around with his life.

Overcoming this activity is just the tip of the iceberg, and if one is up for a bigger challenge, the zip line will be awaiting.

This activity proved to be popular as there was a small queue with people of varying age groups awaiting their turn to get their veins pumped up.

Imagine the adrenalin rush travelling at a speed of 106km per hour 425m across the gorge, while suspended 120m above the breath taking beauty of the Zambezi water.

As the river zigzags down the Batoka Gorge, the cable is suspended across from one side to the other with the par- ticipant being harnessed and attached to a pulley before being launched over the edge, picking up speed while descending above the water.

People are even allowed to slide with partners, for those who might need a support system to help share the fear. For those with the fear of heights, overcoming this activity might just be the perfect cure.

Experts have described the flying fox and gouge swing as appetisers for the more challengin­g gorge swing, which some say is even more fearsome than bungee jumping. Many people have played on swings when they were kids but this one is no joke.

A high wire is suspended across the gorge at a point where the width is 316m and 120m deep.

A harness is attached to the jumper and then the jumping ropes with the other end pivoted to the middle of the cable.

The jumper then leaps off the edge of the gorge, free falling about 70m before going into a 95m long pendulum type swing. Seeing someone else doing it is enough to make a potential jumper press the panic button.

Although several people were taking the leap of faith, some were content with calling it a day on the zip line, refusing to tempt fate on the swing.

Besides these high wire activities, bungee jumping on what they call “no man’s land” in the middle of the Victoria Falls Bridge is also popular.

This reporter also visited the bridge and witnessed several individual­s taking the jump and free-falling 111m towards the Zambezi River below while attached to an elastic cable.

They do not call it the “Big Air Experience” for nothing, and this is definitely not for the faint hearted.

The Zambezi Adrenaline Company, which is based in Zambia, operates the bungee jump but they are affiliated with Shearwater­s from the Zimbabwean side.

Wild Horizons marketing manager Shane White said many tourists who visit Victoria Falls sign up for various adrenaline activities throughout the year.

“These activities are very popular and most of the tourists who come here end up signing up. Some might not necessaril­y be adrenaline junkies but when they see other people doing it, they are tempted to also try it out,” said White.

He said while some people back out on the last minute, most people who sign up would have made up their minds.

“There are a few individual­s who panic on the last minute but our staff is very persuasive and try their best to calm people down and encourage them to jump.”

The period of the Jameson Vic Falls Carnival is the busiest as the town will be hosting thousands of tourists and this means big business for service providers who offer adventure activities.

“Business was good over the carnival period, especially for those thrilling activities since the event attracts a lot of young people, which is the age group that is usually interested in such activities.”

Whether one is an adrenaline junkie or is just looking to have fun in a different kind of way, Victoria Falls is the perfect place to visit as it offers some of the greatest holidaying experience­s that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

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 ??  ?? Bridge slide
Bridge slide
 ??  ?? DICING WITH DEATH . . . Victoria Falls is a paradise for adrenalin junkies
DICING WITH DEATH . . . Victoria Falls is a paradise for adrenalin junkies

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