The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

Mudzimba with Mai Chisamba I stole a phone by mistake


I LOVE and enjoy your column. I have got a terrible heartache. One day at our work place as we were having lunch, one of my colleagues was bragging about the applicatio­n on her new phone. As we stood up to go back to our offices her phone fell and she did not see it. I took it and hid it in my bag, I meant to prank her and then laugh it off as a joke later. I never told anyone and nobody saw this when it happened because it was so quick. After she found out that she had no phone she went round asking, surprising­ly not even one of us thought of calling her number. She was upset and spent the afternoon crying. I wanted to teach her to be more responsibl­e with her things even pabasa ane mbiri yekuita misplace even important documents. In my mind I thought I would give her the phone the following day during lunch then we would all have a hearty laugh.

When I got home I looked for the phone and it was nowhere to be found and by now it had gone off

but my heart is not in it. I am just in it for the sake of keeping up appearance­s. Please help how do I move on? My anger is still bottled inside me. I feel like a prisoner. RESPONSE Thank you for writing in. When people break up during courtship it means there is something seriously wrong with one of them or both. Two years is a long time and so many changes can take place within this period. Here we are talking about emotions and these should not be tempered with willy-nilly. After this long break you decided to just rekindle your relationsh­ip. In my view you just carried on where you left off and did not really access why you failed to work out to begin with.

You had not healed from the previous break up. I see the family was torn apart between the two girls. Why were these brothers bitter about you? My sixth sense tells me that there is something that you are not telling me. The worst thing that you ever did was to move in with him kubika mapoto no! no! That is wrong. Where is your pride? For your informatio­n most men have no respect for ladies they delve into this arrangemen­t with because it really is not bind-

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20): Your curiosity could be aroused by thoughts of faraway places or plans to take a class related to an interest of yours. At the same time, you may apply concerted effort to handling certain responsibi­lities or moving forward with goals and plans. Later this week, though, the focus shifts as Mars enters your social sector, encouragin­g you to be more proactive in this area. Also, the New Moon could be helpful for taking a step in a new direction.

CANCER (June 21 to July 22): If you have absorbed new experience­s and informatio­n over recent weeks, the time has come to put them to good use. With Mars leaving your sector of study and exploratio­n and moving into your career zone this week, you because of not being charged for a long period of time. I changed my handbag and went to work the next day but nyaya yanga yaipa. People saying this and that and the prime suspect was the lady she shares an office with. I kept quiet but I was confused and I did not know what to say but I felt so guilty even though I had not deliberate­ly stolen the phone. This happened on January 10. Notices have been put in our offices to look after our belongings because someone’s phone was stolen. Recently I used the same bag I had on that fateful day and I found the phone, it had gone into a torn bag lining. Now I do not know how to give it back. What will I say? Who will believe me? What happens to this lady who has been painted as a suspect? The story is all but over can this be rectified? What will people say now that the joke has backfired? Please assist how do I clean this mess, ndinoendep­i hangu? RESPONSE Thank you for writing in, the position

ing. A lot of women are taken advantage of and at the end of it all they are left in the cold. These men can even marry someone outside this union. Love is about sincerity, respect and true commitment. From your letter I can tell that this guy does not love you because he continued to date someone else. Why can you not accept this?

Kudanana is mutual, meditate on that. I cannot believe you went to his place of work to have a verbal fight with him.

Why kubasa of all the places? This was both disgracefu­l and degrading no wonder why he does not want anything to do with you anymore. Now you are in a relationsh­ip yauri kusatoda.

Do not punish this new guy. Please do not play with other people’s emotions. My advice is even if it hurts to admit, your ex-boyfriend is done with you try to accept that. Give yourself time to find your feet and heal. Tell the current guy the truth that you have no feelings for him and do not waste his precious time. You are still young and full of potential engage a profession­al counsellor who will help you to start on a clean slate and turn over a new leaf. I wish you all the best. much deeper level. Now is the time to let go of patterns or issues that may be holding you back.

LIBRA (September 23 to October 23): With the Sun now in a more dynamic sector of your chart, this is your opportunit­y to showcase skills and talents that could get you noticed by the right people. It certainly is not the time to hide your light or be modest about anything you are good at. Take every opportunit­y to showcase your goods or services so others can appreciate how amazing you are. Do not forget to dress the part, too, as this can also influence others to engage with you.

SCORPIO (October 24 to November 21): While enjoying life and spending time with friends and family can still be a focus, you might also want to apply yourself to more practical tasks. With Mars now moving into Aries and your lifestyle sector, you may want to apply yourself with greater gusto. Avoid burning out, though, by pacing yourself from the start. In addition, the New Moon on Friday can be perfect for household projects or perhaps introducin­g a new pet to the home.

SAGITTARIU­S (November 22 to December 21): If you have been busy doing DIY projects or giving your home a good spring cleaning, then give yourself a round of applause. You have done well! Venus continues in this same sector, which can be a helpful influence for decorating and adding a subtle ambience to your home, but you could also be feeling a bit restless. Mars enters your leisure sector on Friday, and this dynamic influence can coincide with a desire for new adventures and a chance to have some fun.

CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19): A lovely link at the start of the week suggests that you could be inspired to dream big dreams by a movie or novel. If aspects of your life have been difficult lately, reading about or watching someone else’s adventures and successes can encourage you to keep going. On another note, Mars will move into your domestic sector later in the week, and this might be a call to clear out clutter and give yourself more space to think. — you are in is a catch 22 situation. It is very sad and unfortunat­e how some people are quick to pick suspects without considerin­g motive or having any evidence. What did she do to deserve this? The phone went missing during a lunch break and this woman was not even in the office, so why her? In life we should learn to only act when we are a hundred percent sure. So many people have been blamed for things they did not take. Can you imagine if the owner had engaged the law enforcemen­t agents how embarrassi­ng it was going to be to the suspect and her family? I hear you when you say this was meant to be a practical joke but I will tell you point blank that this was a joke in very bad taste.

Why did you not own up? You let people blame the other lady when you knew the truth. You behaved as if you have no conscience at all. It was far better for you to have told her the truth even if you could not find the phone. The blame would have rested on you. The mistrust that you have brought between the two ladies who share the same office cannot be under estimated. This joke was really farfetched the owner of the phone spent the afternoon crying but still you were not moved. Jokes are meant to provoke laughter if you did not know. My advice may sound harsh but as far as I am concerned there are no two ways about this. Take the phone back and tell the story as it is and apologise to the two ladies unreserved­ly. You may even need to speak to one of the bosses and apologise for raising a false alarm. Always remember the adage “kamoto kamberever­e kanopisa matanda ari mberi”, honaka zvawakakon­zera. Your behaviour implies that had you not found the phone you would have just kept quiet. You have caused a lot of humiliatio­n and traumatise­d innocent colleagues. Engage the service of a counsellor so that you are assisted. I also suggest you give her back the phone guaranteed it is in working condition, if not volunteer to make payments towards buying a new phone in order to show that you are truly sorry. My advice to you is please when you joke never fall off track ingofarai musingafar­ise. Pray about this incident so that God takes control.

sister and two brothers but the others are treated better but not by much.

Last year while I was doing O-Level I fell in love with a guy who is one year older than me. After we finished our exams we went out and came home a bit late. My mother went into overdrive vakandipen­gera. My father tried to intervene and he was told to shut up. I was made to pack up and go to stay with my boyfriend’s family that is where I am staying as I write this letter. His parents accepted me warmly but are concerned about my age. Life is actually better here because kunofarwa but I long to go back home. I miss my father and my siblings. I know I cannot get legally married at 17.

The other reason is we were just starting our courtship we really do not know each other well to last a life time.

We are more of friends than lovers even here we do not stay as man and wife. His parents said no to that. Please help I am confused; is it possible for me to go back home? Do you think my hard-hearted mother will accept me? I want to carry on with my education and do something profit- able in life. If I continue to stay here then what will be next? Please assist. Response Beloved writer thank you for writing in. I just felt it is high time someone called you beloved I think you deserve it. Your letter made me teary I salute you for being a brave girl. Do not call yourself confused because you are not. You are one girl who knows what she wants for her future. Education is a very powerful tool nobody can take that away from you. It gives you the chance to choose what you want to be so that is a plus. In life we have what is called self-esteem it may be high or low depending on the people that surround you, family included. I do not know why your mother is the way she is but I really do not want to dwell on her too much. Mothers are supposed to be the backbone of each and every home but she is the exact opposite. I work with the writer so let us bring it back to you. First and foremost let me salute your boyfriend’s parents for accepting you after you were banished by your mother. They took the law into considerat­ion and did the best they could do for you. It is true as a minor you cannot get married until you are 18. The fact that they do not allow you to reside as man and wife is very noble. For other parents out there please do not chase your children away from home but communicat­e and solve the problem amicably. Marriage is a lifelong companions­hip so please musaite mawira mombe.

You boldly stated that you have not known each other to warrant a marriage, that is a very good observatio­n. If you are serious about each other continue with your courtship until zvaita. Yes, it is good to go back home because that is where you belong.

Taurai navana tete navana mbuya from both sides so that they speak to your parents. It is not good to come home late but there is a way of doing things, your father who is head of the family will definitely accept you back and then influence your mum. I encourage you to raise your self-esteem and never feel unwanted. At 17 you can now help your mum see the bright side of life, continue to strive for success and pray for your family.

Do not be discourage­d you are a precious gift from God to your family. I hope you will go back home, let us start by pushing for this using structures within the family and see how it goes. Stand up and be counted, go girl go you have what it takes. I would be happy to hear from you again.

Write to: maichisamb­a@fbnet. or WhatsApp 0771415747.

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