The Sunday Mail (Zimbabwe)

‘We vote, God anoints leaders’

Ever wondered why God becomes the flavour of the month during election seasons, and why some people are quick to believe or deny prophetic messages about results of electoral processes, without even bothering to check what God says in His word?

- Tendai Manzvanzvi­ke Devine Appointmen­ts ◆ Feedback: tendai.manzvanzvi­

THE other issue is about contempora­ry political leadership and anointing. In simpler terms, does God appoint political leaders, the world over?

There are many schools of thought on whether heads of State and Government are anointed, and if so, by whom.

In an article titled “Does the Bible really mean that God appoints our leaders: Sovereignt­y, divine providence and democracy” (relevantma­, the writer asks: “Does God’s providence equal His approval? As Christians, we don’t just want to know God’s will, but to stand in it.”

The Old Testament has several examples of leaders who landed positions of leadership after God commanded His servants the prophets to anoint them.

These include Saul and David who were both anointed by Samuel.

The children of Israel had just asked for a king, but they left the rest to God.

This was a theocracy, which is very different from democratic practices where the leader is chosen by the people, for the people.

Notwithsta­nding, the Biblical principles God outlines are taught because they are still applicable: “Let every soul be subject to the governing authoritie­s.

For there is no authority except from God, and the authoritie­s that are appointed by God.

Therefore, whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves.” (Romans 13:1-2)

It is against this background that the writer found the article on the election of Donald Trump, against the seeming favourite Hillary Clinton, for the United States presidency, written by the Concerned Christian Leaders and Citizens Network (Zimbabwe), an arm of the Evangelica­l Fellowship of Zimbabwe that consists of heads of denominati­ons affiliated to EFZ, individual pastors and private citizens, very interestin­g.

It was a departure from the usual church and politics narrative, since it went beyond our borders, interro- gating issues crafted elsewhere, that end up eroding the moral values in Zimbabwe.

The CCLCN’s mission is to “lobby for the inclusion, recognitio­n, respect of the Godly voice and values that the church in Zimbabwe represent...”

Below is the full statement sent by e-mail to this writer and other recipients on November 26, 2016:

“The recent US elections, particular­ly the presidenti­al ballot, showed us both the possibilit­ies and limitation­s inherent and attaching to democracy. It’s not always the case that the ‘best’ candidate prevails (the touted and favoured contestant does not always win).”

The CCLCN team further says: Preference­s and expectatio­ns do not always translate into electoral reality; people vote, and God anoints; and where robustly practiced, democracy makes possible the unexpected and gives opportunit­y to those who make themselves available.

They add: “The liberal agenda globally had been and still is on the rise, and has sought to police and whip everyone into line through the doctrine of political correctnes­s, turning the world into a dictatorsh­ip of, and by shadowy special interests. This had become true of America.

“At the same time, what has become to be known as ‘conservati­ve’ values or conviction­s, for want of better terminolog­y probably, got a battering, with all manner of spurious attempts being made to stifle the free expression of Judeo- Christian standards and morals, allegedly under the guise that they ran contrary to democratic creeds, especially lib- eral democracy.”

The team alleged that “the election result had to come in the way it did: a victor who is an outsider, novice, tainted with moral garbage, and resented by many. In him, God is and was using seemingly foolish things to confound and shame those who claim to be wise by the standards of this world.”

“Yet beyond that and more importantl­y, a key lesson arises, the essence of which must not be lost: the liberal agenda was becoming arrogant and foul-oriented, coupled with an apparent dispositio­n towards dictatorsh­ip and a feeling of invincibil­ity,” said the statement.

They also indicated their expectatio­ns to the newly-elected leader: “One of the key agendas the Trump administra­tion should prioritise is reinstatin­g, if it’s not actually creating the platform where all citizens can responsibl­y exercise the practice of their conviction­s, whether regarded as politicall­y correct or otherwise. He suits the bill: being politicall­y incorrect himself, a humble and remorseful ‘sinner’, as one columnist has chosen to call him, and one who belongs to the conservati­ve fold.”

“The liberal agenda must be tamed, and every soul released into the freedom of its God-given identity. If this is not done during the incoming administra­tion’s tenure, it might as well be time to write off the political possibilit­y of America ever recovering its Godly identity and heritage”, they cautioned.

When the CCLCN says, “people vote, God anoints”, are they saying that Trump was God’s choice, although a majority of voters wanted Mrs Clinton? Does this apply to all leaders everywhere?

Now that President Trump has been inaugurate­d and is promising to fulfill the letter and spirit of his campaign promises through a raft of measures he has already started implementi­ng, does the CCLCN believe that this will result in the restoratio­n of Godly values in the United States of America, considerin­g that liberals the world over are up in arms against him?

Does the CCLCN also believe some of the prophetic pronouncem­ents that say that in line with Isaiah 45, God raised Trump to be a Cyrus-like leader whom He anointed, and, whose right hand He has held to subdue nations before him and loose the armour of kings...?

How do they think the Trump presidency will impact the body of Christ the world over?

It will be interestin­g to hear their views since some strongly believe that one his coming on the global stage has a lot of Biblical backing!

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